I have a friend who is 40. She has never been married. Been in the truth since before she was old enough to be married.
we were talking about a man brother in her life. She is unsure about him because he has been Df'd twice before. She says he just can't get his act together.
I tell her not to judge so quickly. He could have been df'd because some elder didn't like him too much. That argument doesn't sway her.
Then she bring up this guy brother we used to know from a few years ago. " he is an elder now you know"
This brother was physically lewd with her once. No they weren't dating or anything. She just has quite a rack. and he is a touchy feely kind of guy. I personally would have knocked his block off if it were me.
So I say "wow I wonder how he comforts the single sisters in their time of distress is he like a big rock who's shadow you can run too to escape from the heat or the sun"
So I tell her this guy is an elders and we both know his touchy feely habits, but yet he is an elder. But the guy she is seeing has been df'd but doesn't have lewd touchy feely habits and she is unsure about him.
WTF I just don't get it. So much for letting your actions prove waht kind of person you are.