Phrases that control the mind and thinking

by Gill 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    Bernadette - The 'If you turn your back on Jehovah' is a good one. What they really mean is 'If you turn your back on the WTBTS.'

    JWs cannot differentiate between the WTBTS and 'Jehovah'. I noticed this strikingly in my parents. They seem to believe they are one and the same while seeing them as different. A sort of strange trinity: Jehovah, the WTBTS and the Governing Body!

  • Gill

    Betterdaze - Ah! The rarely named 'Expert!' That's a good one. A bit like 'Historians agree that 1914 marked a turning point.....' How many historians? Which historians? And after all, it was a World War and we had entered the industrial revolution, but why would that mean there was a war in heaven?

  • Zico

    Some of the worst articles that the WT prints are the ones on conscience matters. When they admit it's not in the bible so should be up to the individual, but then go and say 'But...' or 'Be careful not to stumble others' Basically saying 'It's not in the bible, but you better do as we say anyway' It reminds of a time when I was planning on going to a rock concert. () An MS showed me an young people ask article about them. It said it was up to the individual's conscience but then followed with: Would a Christian do this: And then listed things they didn't think a Christian would do. The MS was shocked when I pointed out it was a conscience decision, he started stuttering and then read parts of the article back again, so I just said 'Is it a conscience decision or not' He stuttered again, I told him it was a simple question, and when he answered yes, I said 'Well that's the end of it then' He was clearly offended, but I couldn't have cared less. If the WT are going to print that something's a conscience decision, why then go and try to influence your thinking!

  • Gill

    Zico - A 'Conscience decision' in Watchtower doublespeak means 'someone elses' or even 'everyone elses' conscience but NOT your own!

    It's a bit like the blood issue. Any one CAN take a blood transfusion BUT you have to face the consequences!

  • bernadette

    A few more gems

    "there is no doubt that the wbt$ Jehovah provides guidance. The question is will you submit to it?"

    "do not miss out on the joy that can be yours when you serve the wbt$ Jehovah with all your strength."

    "Jehovah will reward us with the ultimate blessing of everlasting life."

  • jeanV

    great topic!

    our Bible trained conscience...

    lot of gems, the best one are those about the abundant evidence, and the experts.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    early Christians proved....

    But sadly...

    Most of us appreciate...

    true worshippers....

    you will want....


    happy Christians...

    your reasonableness will...

    no doubt you will carefully select....

    Many Christians have found...

    both young and old will....


    if they reflect good judgement...

    Many people who neither know nor care about godly.....

    mature Christian couple wanting.... should

    rather their outlook should....

    Christian couples want....

    they will want....

    the husband will be...

    he will....

    the couple should...

    these will be understanding....

    will not be offended....

    a responsible fellow believer

    a spiritually mature Christian brother

    in line with what was discussed some couples choose...

    trustworthy make sure that all present follow...

    need to act ...

    proving their faith

    wise Christians will refrain...

    proving our faith certainly involves...meetings preaching

    deeds fully performed

    happy gathering of Christians

    I just found these quickly in a 4 page article "Prove Your Faith.."Oct 15/06

  • Honesty

    Take away the BUZZWORDS in a WATCHTOWER publication and you get 39 reasons to leave this group of charlatans.

  • slimboyfat

    mind control


    the fade


    kingdumb Hall


    Jehovah's Witless

    false prophet



  • Gill

    SBF - I've not seen those in a Watchtower recently!

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