Even Worse - I am really starting to hate this religion

by unique1 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • megsmomma

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I completely understand and I am sorry you are hurting. When it is all said and done, it is their loss.

    I had been trying for a time to not "shun" my mother back...I would leave messages about the baby, ect. I got NO response. Finally, I have given up the "fight" and if she ever comes to her senses, that is when I will show her I am Christian....by not holding it all against her. (Though I never see it happening)

  • unique1

    Megsmomma, when you move up this way we are so going to have to get together and have a "My parents are crazy" fest.

  • Confession

    Unique 1, my thoughts are with you. To me the note is smug and condescending. It conveys...

    -Oh sure, we love you, but we love the Watchtower Society more.

    -We are fully at peace, knowing our self-righteous shunning of you makes Jehovah glad and childishly encourages you to return to the religious club we ourselves deem The Truth--by means of emotional manipulation.

    One foot in front of the other, sweetheart. You'll get through this just fine.



  • megsmomma

    I am looking forward to it!!!!! DO you think we can cause some drama on this board by posting that we are drunk AGAIN...having a "shite for parents fest"!! LOL!! I can drink some beer! My husband is going to love being around so many Tar Heels...I may have to get into it myself!

    Edit: My husbands start date is July 1 st...but if we can be there sooner, he can start sooner. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have read your other thread about your parents shunning you. Thanks for posting on my thread,
    "They question/analyze everything- except the Watchtower."

    All I can say is try to understand that your parents are victims of the cult. While they are victims,
    you need to move on for your own peace of mind.

    I hope you find the support you need from other family and from JWD friends. It sounds like you will.

    I don't know if my thoughts will work for you, but I have decided that I will try to remain the same person
    if others shun me because of their cult beliefs. I will still phone or send a card, telling them I am fine and
    ask how they are. If they choose not to respond, they will know that the shortcoming was theirs, not mine.
    At the same time, I won't keep casting pearls. Just an occasional "Hi" and move on.

  • Crumpet

    LOL at Megsmomma and the "drunk again" sentiment!

    (((((Nikki)))))) - we have quite a similar story - and same age roughly. I am so glad that your mum is with you now.

  • unique1

    Megs - my hubby is a Dukie so we may have to push him to the side.

    On the way out - I have been convinced that shunning them is not the way to go as I would be acting the same way as them. I really don't know how much more I can do this to myself though. Just when I think they can't hurt me any more and I am past this, they do something like this and make it worse. Perhaps I should just start sending them updates without asking how they are. Then I won't be hurt at no reply. And hopefully they won't reply with sentiments like above.

    Thanks to you all. I have made an appointment for therapy with my old Psychologist for next week. Hopefully I can get past this with the help of friends like you and professional help.

  • unique1

    Nikki. Thanks for your sentiments. I can only hope my parents see the light. They are just so stubborn I don't believe it will ever happen. Stories like yours lends hope though.

  • megsmomma

    We won't tell my hubby till he has already met your hubby. I think the "tension" would be fun though!! My husband's dad looks almost exactley like Duke's couch! People will stare at him and he has to just say.."No, I am not" Your hubby should get a picture with him for fun!

  • megsmomma

    Did I do it???????????

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