How soon is soon?

by TooBad TooSad 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    This week at the study of the Revelation book there was a paragraph that said that God's kingdom would SOON usher in a

    paradise earth. I realized that this book was printed 19 years ago. It was soon then and it is still soon now. If I were to tell

    my wife excitedly that I am taking her to Europe soon would she be happy if I waited 3 years? How about 19 years? She

    would be upset and call be a liar. If I told my boss at work that I was going to quit my job soon would he wait 6 months to

    start finding a replacement? How about 19 years? He would call me a liar. If I told the brothers at the hall that I was going

    to start pioneering soon, would they expect me to do so in several months or wait 19 years? They would calll me a liar.

    Satan is the father of the lie and one of the 10 commandments is not to lie. The Watchtower should say instead of SOON,

    in God's due time, sometime in the future, when God is ready. I really don't like liars.

  • JH
    The Watchtower should say instead of SOON, in God's due time, sometime in the future, when God is ready.

    This is another piece of the Watchtower puzzle. They want to keep everyone going to their meetings by scaring them.

  • Zico

    1 thousand years is like 1 day to God though eh?

  • nvrgnbk
    If I were to tell

    my wife excitedly that I am taking her to Europe soon would she be happy if I waited 3 years? How about 19 years? She

    would be upset and call be a liar. If I told my boss at work that I was going to quit my job soon would he wait 6 months to

    start finding a replacement? How about 19 years? He would call me a liar. If I told the brothers at the hall that I was going

    to start pioneering soon, would they expect me to do so in several months or wait 19 years? They would calll me a liar.

    Satan is the father of the lie and one of the 10 commandments is not to lie. The Watchtower should say instead of SOON,

    in God's due time, sometime in the future, when God is ready. I really don't like liars.

    I LOVE THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. Got a few of my own in this vein. This really says it all, though. Awesome thread you've started TooBad TooSad. Keep it up!


  • JH
    1 thousand years is like 1 day to God

    If the bible was written for man to understand, 1 day should equal 24 hours, then Cults couldn't get away with their BS.

  • Crumpet

    Brilliant posts TooBadTooSad - excellent reasoning. And great response JH!

  • unique1

    EXCELLENT POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Soon = 5,324 years. I am just guessing. Then again so are they.

  • Beer Connoisseur
    Beer Connoisseur

    The sense of urgency is a tool used to keep members knocking on doors and hyped emotionally so that they will not take the time to look at what they have been told, and question the very teachings that they consider to be true. People can be emotionally controlled for years with this technique, and if they leave the religion, it is weakness and lack of faith on their part, not the religion or its teachings

    For example, ask a JW (Jehovah Witness) when you see the word "God" in the Bible, who is it referring to? They will say Jehovah, the only true God. He alone is Almighty God.

    Then ask them to explain Isaiah 9:6 Jesus is called "Mighty God" and Isaiah 10:20,21 "Jehovah is called "Mighty God" The same for both in their bible. They always say they will find out the answer and get back to me. How sad!! It has been longer than 19 years, and they still can not answer or make sense of who is "God" from their Bibles. And where can they go to get constructive bible teaching on this issue? Not their religion, it cant make the verses fit their doctrine. Their spiritual leaders cant answer it. And they are the source for all "truth" in modern times. They can only research religious topics in their own literature, so they will never find the answer.

    But the time is short, the end is near, lets get out and convert some more poor lost souls to the "truth" that we cant explain!

  • blondie

    It is said to be


    *** w04 2/15 p. 7 Is Religion at the Root of Mankind’s Problems? ***

    Yet, God intends to remove all false religion very soon now.

    *** w03 11/15 p. 6 You Can Believe in a Paradise Earth ***

    Jehovah created the earth to be the Paradise home of the human family. Very soon now, God will have that original purpose fulfilled.—Matthew 6:9, 10.

  • needproof

    Here's a good one for you:

    Watchtower 1989 January 1 p12 - The hand of Jehovah was with them.

    ( Magazine edition )

    The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.

    Watchtower 1989 January 1 p12 - The hand of Jehovah was with them.

    ( Volume edition )

    The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our day.

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