This week at the study of the Revelation book there was a paragraph that said that God's kingdom would SOON usher in a
paradise earth. I realized that this book was printed 19 years ago. It was soon then and it is still soon now. If I were to tell
my wife excitedly that I am taking her to Europe soon would she be happy if I waited 3 years? How about 19 years? She
would be upset and call be a liar. If I told my boss at work that I was going to quit my job soon would he wait 6 months to
start finding a replacement? How about 19 years? He would call me a liar. If I told the brothers at the hall that I was going
to start pioneering soon, would they expect me to do so in several months or wait 19 years? They would calll me a liar.
Satan is the father of the lie and one of the 10 commandments is not to lie. The Watchtower should say instead of SOON,
in God's due time, sometime in the future, when God is ready. I really don't like liars.