I work for a fairly large corporation. Our company is establishing a new tobacco policy where smokers and tobacco users are no longer allowed to use tobacco in any form, either cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chew, or snuff, anywhere on company property. This includes inside or outside the building, the parking lot, or even in your own personal vehicle while in the parking lot. Basically, while you are on the clock, you cannot use tobacco, period, while on company property, even if the building is leased and other companies allow smoking outside. If someone needs a smoke, they would have to walk or drive off the property.
So, lucky me, has been given the task by corporate to find out ways to communicate and enforce this new policy, as well as come up with some suggestions on alternates to tobacco use while at work.
So, I'm asking if anybody has any suggestions that can be used to curtail smoking while at work, and offer any suggestions on alternatives to tobacco use. Also, I'm wondering if anybody else has a similar policy at their place of employment.
Thanks in advance for any helpful advise that may be given.