My self-worth does not actually depend on another poster's opinion of me.

by Frannie Banannie 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    What comes out from your posts is that you are an intelligent and above all a very kind hearted helpful person. We shouldn't take seriously everything people say and especially rude comments.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Believe it or not, being bi-polar actually puts you in a better situation than me according to another poster who recently told me to 'grow a brain' (this may take some time in the evolutionary process!!)

    WHOOOOOOOOO said dat to you, sademo??? I'll hand ya their head on a platter (quoting Mary)!!

    I don't know what happened that caused this topic, but....NOBODY better mess with my's some big 'ol hugs for ya......((((((((((((((((((((((((((((FRANNIE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and a big XO to ya as well...

    (((((((((El Kabong))))))) Come 'ere an' lemme plant one on ya, ya big lug!

    You tell em Frannie!!!!!!!!!

    ((((((((unique1)))))))) Yep. Here it you, chere!

    What comes out from your posts is that you are an intelligent and above all a very kind hearted helpful person. We shouldn't take seriously everything people say and especially rude comments.

    Thank you, (((((((Greendawn)))))))) That is so very kind of you to say so......but....hail Mary, I just ain't full o' grace! When someone makes an ad hominem personal attack on me, I take it very seriously, cause they're p*ssin' in my backyard! And I'm likely to verbally hand 'em their head in a hand basket.



  • rebel8

    I don't know what incident you're talking about, but in general I hate bullies too.

    People who make unprovoked personal attacks on others are deeply internally flawed.

    Disagreeing is fine but it does not go hand-in-hand with impoliteness or insults.

    Having said that, there are some people who go around disagreeing with something just for the sake of being disagreeable, with no real strong personal opinion or personal stake in the topic. They too have issues.

  • JWdaughter

    -Good, Frannie! Many of us have left an entire religion and people we love,who loved us have rejected us because of what we believe is the right thing to do. We can handle the internet rejecters, no problem!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I don't know what incident you're talking about, but in general I hate bullies too.

    People who make unprovoked personal attacks on others are deeply internally flawed.

    Disagreeing is fine but it does not go hand-in-hand with impoliteness or insults.

    AMEN to dat, ((((((Rebel8))))))

    Good, Frannie! Many of us have left an entire religion and people we love,who loved us have rejected us because of what we believe is the right thing to do. We can handle the internet rejecters, no problem!

    You betchya, ((((((((JWdaughter)))))))

  • whyizit

    Hi, Frannie!

    Just when you think you left the bullies behind in high school....

    Isn't it amazing how they can figure out a way to drag you in to the same BS over the internet?

    I had my share of it awhile back too, but AK-Jeff reminded me that these forums are open to all types, all over the world, so you just have to take the good with the bad. (And hope that there are more good than bad, which I think is the case on JWD.)

    I love your topics and your comments. I also appreciate your description of bipolar. That was very enlightening.

    I hope you won't let the bullying influence your future postings. I have found that they will follow you and ridicule every thing you say, once they know they can get under your skin. Also, as typical bullies do, they usually get a few others to jump on the band wagon with them. Just ignore it. It's no fun to bully someone who won't respond. That is a great thing about the internet. Unlike school, you really can avoid responding!

    You add a very encouraging and uplifting heart to this forum, and we all benefit from that.


  • diamondblue1974

    I havent the foggiest where this has come from and have no clue as to the facts which have led upto this post, but, personally I believe in freedom of speech and we all have the freedom to post whatever rubbish we wish to (I use this freedom a little too often lol); on a personal level I have never found your threads or posts to be indicative of someone who is any of the things you describe and if people dont like what you post then they should have the freedom to criticise but not the freedom to bully or harass; therein lies the difference.

    If you think it, feel it or believe it, say it!

    Keep up the good work Frannie


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Just when you think you left the bullies behind in high school....

    Isn't it amazing how they can figure out a way to drag you in to the same BS over the internet?

    I had my share of it awhile back too, but AK-Jeff reminded me that these forums are open to all types, all over the world, so you just have to take the good with the bad. (And hope that there are more good than bad, which I think is the case on JWD.)

    I love your topics and your comments. I also appreciate your description of bipolar. That was very enlightening.

    I hope you won't let the bullying influence your future postings. I have found that they will follow you and ridicule every thing you say, once they know they can get under your skin. Also, as typical bullies do, they usually get a few others to jump on the band wagon with them. Just ignore it. It's no fun to bully someone who won't respond. That is a great thing about the internet. Unlike school, you really can avoid responding!

    You add a very encouraging and uplifting heart to this forum, and we all benefit from that.

    (sigh) Sad but so true, (((((Whyizit))))))) Thank you. um...the only problem with that description is the three parts I left out: 1. Almost ALL the brain cells are firing simultaneously. 2. Those 4 wheels are moving so fast you hafta figure out where to jump in and run to catch up while determining where it's safe to land if you do catch up...heheh 3. Having to go back and figure out what all was going on in there that you missed while you were running to catch up. Thanks for the encouraging words, chere!

    personally I believe in freedom of speech and we all have the freedom to post whatever rubbish we wish to (I use this freedom a little too often lol); on a personal level I have never found your threads or posts to be indicative of someone who is any of the things you describe and if people dont like what you post then they should have the freedom to criticise but not the freedom to bully or harass; therein lies the difference.

    If you think it, feel it or believe it, say it!

    Keep up the good work Frannie

    MEEEE, TOOOOOO, (((((((((DB1974)))))))

  • LongHairGal


    My self-worth in the hall also never depended on what anybody thought about me and there were those there who resented me because I supposedly "didn't care" what anybody thought.

    Actually, I did care to some degree what people thought and I did want friends. It is just that I was not willing to humor people with all their "issues". Who cares about their opinions?

    Don't let it bother ya.


  • Junction-Guy

    Frannie Bannanie, mine neither!! I guess I care about people's opinion of me that I have met in person, but for someone to blast me, that have no intention of ever meeting me in person, I could care less. Sometimes I just have to say what is on my mind, and if I step on some toes, then so be it.

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