Your favorite movie music?

by zagor 44 Replies latest social entertainment

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    OK, I admit it.

    Star Wars.

    (not because I'm a geek - it's orchestral, kiss my butt)

    I was in jr high when the original came out and I *wore out* that record.

    Just a few weeks ago, I got a chance to hear it LIVE for the first time, performed by the Phoenix Symphony (a major professional orchestra). It's AMAZING done by a live orchestra. I mean, I knew the music inside and out but I'd never *heard* and *felt* it that way before (physically and emotionally)...with a live orchestra you can actually feel the vibrations in your body coming from the instruments.

    Some of the audience (me included) were actually in tears for part of the concert. Most of us have so little experience with live music anymore, especially live orchestral music. I was in my college orchestra, so I know what it's like to be *in* the music and not just *in front* of it, but it had been YEARS and I'd forgotten

    They did a bunch of "movie themes" for this free concert in the park. the Phx Symphony actually owns the rights to the music from the Magnificent Seven, and they played that too...along with Indiana Jones, the William Tell (Lone Ranger), etc.

    If you ever get a chance to hear something like this DO IT.

    Tomorrow is my birthday and we're going to hear Pinchas Zuchermann play with the Symphony.

  • Crumpet

    I watched Superman - the new version, but with the old music and realised I love that toon! It has a powerful feel to it! And reminds me of dear Christopher Reeve

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    By the 'same music', do you mean the John Williams score? I suppose most folks realize that in addition to Star Wars he did that one, Close Encounters, Jaws, ET, Raiders, etc.

    I also adore the four fanfares he wrote for the Olympics. The first one in particular makes the hair on my arms stand on end.

    I love John Williams.

  • Mystla

    Waking Ned Devine Iespecially love the musical build up at the end.... the twang as the string breaks and the old lady goes sailing.. perfect!!

    O Brother, where art thou? I usually hate gospel, but I love this soundtrack.. "I'll fly away" "Down to the river to pray".. oh and especially the sirens singing "Didn't leave nobody but the baby"


  • LoverOfTruth

    Moon River

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