by badboy 15 Replies latest jw friends
a psychopath = mentally ill or unstable person; especially: a person affected with antisocial personality disorder (Merriam-Websters online dictionary)
erm, no more than any other member
what's your own opinion, badboy? and why did you ask?
PS not sure why I have this formatting problem - sorry folks
I think most of them are what is called "true believers." Psychopaths (from my laywoman's background) tend to be people who know their behaviors are not approved by human society in general but figure that those rules don't apply to them and will do whatever they can to protect themselves. I would not throw around the word psychopath lightly. The GB think that what they are doing is right and approved by God and the right sort of people.
A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. That's from the American Heritage dictionary.
I think if it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's a duck.
They are the kings of antisocial.
Causing people to commit suicide by not taking blood transfusions, and many medical treatments in the past.
Tearing families apart by disfellowshiping. Is a good "amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.
Someone like Ray Franz ended up having empathy and remorse so I would say he was a recovering psychopath.
I've wondered about that. Definitely delusional en masse. Since reading a lot of stories here the psyche term "projection" always comes to mind - I think that means " the pot calling the kettle black". They spy on you, make up some trouble, df you, and separate you from your family, but they tell you that you made it happen by your actions - usually very private stuff sane people would stay out of. They say how persecuted they are - what the heck are they doing constantly to "outsiders" as well as their own? And they are so obsessed with sexual misdeeds of others, when they have a pretty good percentage of pervs in their ranks. There, now I feel better. A couple of those GB members are pretty creepy. Flipper
Nathan Natas
I don't think they are any more psychopathic than any other religious leader.
I do think they are delusional, and I agree with Blondie.
I would say they are more delusional control freaks. They are under the delusion that they are getting messages from god and also wielding power and control over thier underlings.
If they were not at the WTBTS they would be in the corporate world as middle management. Ass kissing and sucking up will only get you that high. To be on the board requires talent, skill and education.
they are pharisees.
No. I personally know Geoff and Jenny Jackson and they are very nice people. Geoff is incredibly intelligent. They are simply indoctrinated as were the rest of us. All the current GB have spent many decades as JWs, so have simply undergone the same cult mind control that has convinced them that the WTS is the best Organization on earth.