Ask Fred E Hathaway, a.k.a. Q. Bert
by Fred E Hathaway 213 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
All those questions and so far..11 pages of nothing.....Fred E. Hathaway has answered nothing..Nor,has he even done a minimal amout of research to find out who owns Rand Cam..Why??..Because he dosen`t care.....I`ll bet Fred has plenty more of "Nothing" for all of us..Will he make it to page 15 on this thread?..It will be so exciting!!..4 more pages of nothing!..I can hardly wait..It`s almost like being at the Kingdom Hall..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Doug Mason
Hi Fred!
Search ("Google") the www for the words of the song: "Your Grace Still Amazes Me".
Doug -
AK - Jeff
Fred - I see you have morphed from a bouncing Q to a Cardinal.
Would you please fly off and quit wasting digital space with your lack of respect for the other posters. Thank You.