I'm conducting a Passover Seder

by moshe 34 Replies latest social family

  • moshe

    I never thought it would happen, but it did. I just didn't think I would be conducting a seder when I converted six years ago. Due to my in-laws moving into an assisted living apartment the Passover Seder will be at our home now. My father-in-law's son is an accountant and this is tax season, so it is too much for him to do- however his family can manage to show up for Passover at my home and do the festive meal part. My wife is Ok with it- dinner for 14 and all. I am beginning to learn why Jews need big formal dining rooms. If you did all the festival and holiday meals you would have at least 7 dinners and maybe even 10 a year. Looks like we are at six dinners a year, now. I will admit that I enjoy the family get togethers. JW's are so missing out in that. They always say "we can do a big meal anytime,we don't need a holiday for that", but they never seem to get around to doing one of their own. They have turkey on Thanksgiving and Xmas, but it's just a coincidence they say- it was on sale.

    So,if you want to get out of Memorial at the KH this year, just tell them you've been invited to celebrate Passover at Moshe's house.



  • z

    Me 2 Chag Sameac


  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    While in Israel, visiting the Western Wall near dusk, a very polite person, concerned that I appeared to be alone, came and asked if I would like to spend the evening with his family. Had I not been part of a group of 40, I would have taken him up on it. Enjoy the celebration


  • moshe

    You know, the Wt society has behaved like a Pharoah and made the labor for JW's very hard to the point they are just like slaves, too. I see a lot of similarities to former JW's (us) being like Israelites escaping from Egypt and heading for the promised land. The WT has made a lot of promises over 100+ years- it's just that they were all 'False Ones'.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    ok, so other then Host it, what do you have to do?

  • lawrence


    Howdy! Mah nishtah ha lielah hazeh, mikol ha lalot? Enjoy the 10 plagues and the bitter herbs - the Sedar is once a year, whereas the plagues, and the bitter herbs are the daily life within the WTS.

  • z
    ok, so other then Host it, what do you have to do?

    Beside eating Matza (and farthing dust) for 8days?... the Seder night all family’s get together having long diner with singing trough the evening …this is celebration is about Israelite being freed from slavery to freedom. First we cry but after ok lets eat ….hehehe
    Oh ya cocking for army and the next week you hardly can move..
    Adult drink wine (must s….te coked sweet like syrup the young ones drink grape jus) no one get drank cuz eating is the is the main event

    Have a nice Seder


  • z

    Lawrence good one sha bechall ha lilit en ano ochlim hamtz o matza .

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    ahhh thank you z for the explanation.

    Ya know if you give the kids a little wine, they might fall asleep a little earlier for ye! Just Kidding!

  • moshe

    We go thorugh a service in a book called the Haggadah- we use the one put out by Maxwell House coffee. I guess it takes maybe 40 minutes tops for us. Afterwards it's a big meal and as mentioned sweet wine. I prefer the blackberry. Now , if you read all the Hebrew prayers and verses it can drag on for a couple hours and in the homes of very observant Jews the Seder can last past midnight I have been told.

    Everyone who gets out of WT bondage could use a night to get together and rejoice in their freedom, too. Anybody have a date and a name for one?- it's great to be free.

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