Just opened my front door

by Sasha 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    ((((Sasha)))) I will tell you this. My first memorial was just a coupla months after my dF'ing. I was still "indoctrinated" in the WTS BS, but I had NO plans to attend a KH for the memorial or anything else for that matter......ever again. I just baked up a small loaf of unlevened bread, bought a small bottle of wine and we celebrated the memorial at home that one time.....in good company, as far as we were concerned.


  • greendawn

    There is no point in attending the memorial of an organisation that denies the bread and wine to most of its members on false pretexts an organisation that has the heart of a commercial enterprise rather than a religion. In most congos there will be no one paricipating anyway.


  • Sasha

    Yes, the majority seems to have the same idea of commemorating Jesus death in a private setting. I LOVE IT...I'm there. LOL

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