Several near misses! One not a miss and most memorable was hitting a 500/600 lb calf on open range at 60/70 mph. I saw the calf leave the road and cross the bar pit, so I started to resume speed to 80/90 when something spooked it and it ran on to the highway directly in front of me. I locked both brakes and went into a slide before the impact. Must have also turned slightly to the left because the impact was on the right side of my bike and my right leg. (Impact left hide an hair on leg and bike.) The impact with the calf straighted my course some how and after several wobbles, I was able to completely stop. The calf was airborn for about 15 ft. and after several minutes got up and wandered away. Before impact everything appeared to be in slow motion and I visualized myself bouncing down the asphalt with severe injurys. Thankfully it didn't happen as I visualized and I only had a bruised leg and my bike had several bent assesories. The driver of an oncoming pick-up also slammed on his brakes and skidded to a stop, got out and asked if I was ok. Then he commented that I was a lucky SOB. It was probably a stupid moment. (That stupid calf could have been seriously injured.) jimbo (happy riding!)
Night Rider
by LittleToe 22 Replies latest social physical
The first time I took Claire out on the back I was braking hard for a corner and she started sliding down the pillion seat towards me. To stop herself she gripped me with her thighs, but that distracted me a bit and nearly forget to turn the bend!
You're not supposed to tell people about that one! At least I didn't shoot forward and pin your wedding tackle up against the petrol tank!!
This is a story that really belongs to my cousin. He was out with a mate - my cousin Collin on his R6 and his mate on his Honda Blackbird. Collin was in front, as usual, on a country road in Teesdale when he unwittingly rode over a dead rabbit. The spinning of his back wheel flung the rabbit up in the air just in time for it to land slap bang in the middle of his mate's visor!! He certainly wasn't expecting that.
Just a point for all you people who ride two up - it is most disconcerting when you take both your hands off the handlebars to rub your pillion's knees!! Mentioning no names - PAUL DAVID WATSON!!!!!! (aka Gadget).
Hey! What happened to my paragraphs on the previous post? jimbo
What happened to my paragraphs on the previous post?
jimbo -
You're not supposed to tell people about that one! At least I didn't shoot forward and pin your wedding tackle up against the petrol tank!!
While I ride a Suzuki Bandit at home, I also have a Honda CBR in the States. The first few rides with Diane (Xena) had me grimacing, until she got the ole thigh clench sorted. I'll take bruised hips over crushed wedding tackle, any day of the week. Man alive, she could crack brazil nuts with those thighs!!
The first time I took Claire out on the back I was braking hard for a corner and she started sliding down the pillion seat towards me. To stop herself she gripped me with her thighs, but that distracted me a bit and nearly forget to turn the bend!
You're not supposed to tell people about that one! At least I didn't shoot forward and pin your wedding tackle up against the petrol tank!!
I betcha I'm not the only one glad he did tell that story though Claire! ;-)
(jimbo - try double spacing sometimes that will help the paragraphs retain - there are sometimes formatting issues on the site)
OMG I just had another America-UK language barrier moment.
Night Rider
The name of a tv show that was on when I was a kid...
I thought I would open her up a little
I thought you were taking off a woman's clothes.
, but neglected to look at the speedo...
Then I thought you were talking about wearing an ugly bathing suit.
I couldn't figure out the story at first!
Ok, so I'm riding my bike to the grocery story... as I ride up I see a group of hotties standing there and they're all looking at me as I approach. I'm one damn hot bastard and I know it, no one is cooler than me, so I park the bike as the hotties watch... forget to put down the kickstand and the damn bike falls over... real cool huh? Funny as hell. I sold my bike a few years ago, looking for a Softail now! maybe I'll remember to put down the kickstand on the new bike.
Rebel:Ahem! Accounting that kind of story on the Board would definitely result in the Nutcracker Suite!!!
Dawg:LOL - I hope you were able to go all macho and pick it back up by yourself. I can't think of anything more humiliating than doing that and not being able to lift her!