Hello everybody! I'm not even going to try to get the spelling right on this one becasue I've just been enjoying the vodka that my wife put in my glass. It has some OJ an cranberry juice in there to. She mixed it a way bit strongeer than normal and I find that My head is listing to the port side and I have deveploped a slight drool. Funny colors are dirty dancing in fromt of my eyes and there are big blutrry spots to. I feell like one of those bobble head dolls. Now might be a great time to discuss quantum mechanics. I am partivularly interested in spin theory and how this might be applied towards the construction of super small high sped circuits for computers. WHat I wanna know is how they get the people shrunk down enough to be able to grab onto the particles and start them spinin soes that they can throw them down the little tubes that hook into the cpu.
Do you think I should visit my mom tomorrow? Shes kinda evil and nasty but its been awhile since I was over ther and she probably deserves some company and help with stuff. Whish my dad was still alive I started being a jw and then he got sick and then he died in a real bad long way and that was before I got out of the borg. And it's sad that I have my college diploma that he always wanted me to have and was so disapointted that I didn't stay in school the first time but let him down by quiting school and working at a factory and now he has been dead all these long years and now I have the degree but it is only a 2 year degree and that wouldn't have been good enough for him anyway so even in death I can't have my dad proud of me and I'm still a screw up.
It's hard to type when your hands are numb and your feet are itchy and yu can't hardly hold your head up.
Hmmm HEH HEh my fingures feel fuzzy. Is that bad?
There was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name o. b i n g o b i n g o b i n g o and bingo was his name o
rainbows are pretty computers suck sometimes. they work and then they dont and then they do and then you spill your coffee in the keyboard and then they dont again.
I think women are pretty. You know, like rainbows and stuff. My woman is pretty. but she's sick right now so that sucks. Women that are smart are pretty to. They're the best kind. Smart women make me happy bacause I like to talk about interesting things that you should probably be smart if you're going to talk about them. That didn't make sense did it Oh well My wife is really smart and puts up with me really well. That's fortunate for me because some people don't like me. I don't think I have to many friends but I like the ones I have. They're cool to me and We joke around and stuff which nice because I didn't have any real friends when I was a dub. well except my wife cause shes always been cool.
I wish I had a new car cause mine sucks donkey ass. Its old and rusty and ready to fall apart any minute now. i want to get one of those cool hybrid cars so that I don't have to use so much gas.. thatd be good for our aconmy and politics if we didn't need so much oil for gas. also then i wouldnt have so many fumes coming out the back and that helps the planet to. I dont like t think about how much the planet is screwed up by chemicals and polution and stuff because it makes me too sad. So maybe if I can afford a hybrid car someday I can help make that better.
hhmmmm oh well
i getting more woozy now and sleepy. "Poppies will make them sleep. Sleep. Sleep." heh he
ok by then