Collegegurl - Women have to deceive themselves in the way you describe with their answers at the WT study, otherwise they would not be able to stay in the WT society.
They have to say the nonsense they believe and believe me, the ones who say it the loudest are probably the ones who deep inside believe this BS the least!
The same abuse you describe against wives by some husbands, is the abuse that all Jehovah's Witnesses have to endure as long as they remain JWs from the WTBTS organisation. The disrespectful and arrogant way the sheep are treated by the Elders, CO's, DO's and the GB are just the same as any abusive spouse. JWs are told to ignore this behaviour and 'wait on Jehovah', the exact same phrase that is used to keep abused wives with their abusive husbands.
Well...nothing is going to change. Wives continue to be verbally, emotionally and physically abused. The Elders, CO's etc continue to beat the flock!
Children continue to be abused by abusers in the cong and the WT society continues to brush them off with a cash 'shut up' payment.
The whole organization is abusive and this twisted article is just an attempt to make it acceptable to the foolish and confused sheep who are forced to study, sit, listen and comment on this.
The article is a representation of Jehovah's Witnesses at their most mind controlled.
Who in their right minds sends an abused person back to their abusers?
Why do the flock continue to return to the abuse they receive from the Organization?
In the end, it boils down to Fear, Mind Control and Abuse at its very worst.