Dubs just stopped by. Saw my husband working outside and literally chased him around the back of the house and pounded and called through the sliding glass door. When we ignored it, he went around to the front and pounded and called through that door. In my efforts to stay out of sight, I tripped and wrenched my knee. Out of respect for my parents we've chosen to fade; if it was up to me I would have sent a letter DAing myself months ago but instead I'm stuck hiding in my own home. I'm so angry I can't think clearly. My son was scared and confused and I felt like a coward and a fool. God I HATE the WITNESSES and their twisted UNloving policy that leaves me with no options. No comments please from the Drone brigade in residence despite the Governing Bodies strict instructions. I'd rather just hear from good old fashioned apostates like me!
Angry, humiliated and in pain
by brunnhilde 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Oh dear - thats not very nice hun! Here's a poultice for your knee and hopefully you can sit down with your son and give him some kind of explanation for the whole debacle so he's not too scared - but scared enough to want to avoid the dubs!
Lady Lee
What a sad way to live - in fear. I hated that.
You might find it helpful to sit down with the family and come up with an action plan that you all can live with that puts you in control instead of leaving them in control. Perhaps some neutral statement that will send them on their way without making you run and hide in fear.
No one should have to live like that
Frannie Banannie
((((((Brunnhilde))))))) That's stalking and outright harrassment of you and your family! Sounds like they need a "cease and desist or else" letter sent to the locals at the KH's nearby, if it's possible for your or your husband to handle it this way, so there won't be any untoward repercussions that could damage you further. I hope you're able to assuage your child's fears in this matter.
I wonder if they have any inkling that behavior like this just terrorizes people and does NOT endear them in anyone's eyes in any way.
Brun -
And I'm angry for you! Sounds like pretty agressive behavior even from JWs on the warpath. If they went after converts that passionately, instead of passively sticking cheap flyers in doors, there might be some actual increases for them to report.
Be prepared for the possibilty of registered mail coming your way. That's what they did to me when I eluded direct capture. I had to sign for the letter and meet with them. But I still managed to use my own brand of 'theocratic warfare' and avoided DF. A successful fade....................
We have a friend staying with us, she's "worldly." She couldn't believe it. She was completely in shock. Now she's utterly furious and sending emails out to everyone she knows. Maybe it wasn't a complete loss. She's been after me to write a book and now she's talking about writing one, lol! It was truly awful though. Thanks so much for the support. I'm pretty shaken...
Little Drummer Boy
I'm so sorry for you. Wife and son and I went through the same thing for a long time until we DA'd in September. It is so very upsetting to feel like a prisoner in your own home. They just won't leave you alone! We tried to hide when they would come. We tried to give evasive answers in the hope that it would put them off for a while. In the end, the DA letter gave us peace. It stopped all the hassles so cold that the silence was deafening. I can certainly unerstand if you don't want to send one though because of your parents and so forth.
I wish I had answers for you, but cyber-hugs and well wishes will have to do I guess.
I disassociated one year ago, though my wife has faded for 10 months. She does talk to them when they stop by our biz location. However, whenever they ask ANY kind spiritual questions, she simply tells them straight up, " I don't want to talk about it, I do not have freedom of speech".
And that is that.
You should never, ever have to do that hiding thing again. EVER. -
OMG!!! What is really sad is these kind of occurrences happen all the time. Either you and your husband will have to stand your ground and tell them not to come back. They think you are scared and have something to hide. What a sick religion.
That's very sad. So much for "love thy neighbor."
Take care of that knee brunn!!!