I just went to starbucks to grab a coffee and it is unusually packed out. I look around a bit and notice alot of briefcases and most of the customers have pig shaves. I walk out YEK!!
It's saturday and starbucks is packed
by cultswatter 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi cultswatter,
dumb question for ya:
most of the customers have pig shaves
what is that?
clean shaven?
how can those window washers afford starbucks?
This must be totally an American thing. As a witness we never went to cafes before after or during the ministry and personally I like to sport my pig shave privately - those sisters should be given a talking to --- exposing themselves like that in a pubic place such as Starbucks! Disgraceful!
I know what you mean Cultswatter. There are certain time s of the day on the weekends that I must avoid my local coffee shops or duck into one that isn't a popular witless hang out.
Frannie Banannie
I'm not bothered, stirred or shaken. Make mine a Grande chocolate hazelnut mocha cappuccino, please!
In California, and probably many other places, the typical Saturday F.S. schedule looks like this:
9:30 Meet for service
9:50 Congregate in the parking lot and shoot the breeze in small groups
10:05 Head for the territory
10:20 Arrive at territory and drive to the opposite side of it before turning around and deciding to start at the other end
10:30 Actually get out of car and start knocking on doors
10:55 Somebody yells "Hey, who needs coffee?" which is the signal to get back to the cars
11:00 Head for Starbucks, a local donut shop, or a favorite coffee shop for a "break"
11:10: Arrive at break site; eat, drink, shoot the breeze some more
11:50 Somebody stands up and says, "Well, we've got a few calls we wanted to make today," which is the signal for all to leave
11:55 Head for home where someone will say, "What was that, about two and a half hours?"
LMAO! Anyone would think JWs actually hate door knocking!
Yep that about sums it up willyloman.
They DO hate it, Crumpet!!! Why do you think they harangue them so much to do it! I hated every freaking second of it!!!