In the spirit of the "Ask a Muslim", the "Ask a Fred" threads, and to pad my post count I have started the "Ask a Loon" thread. Feel free to ask whatever strikes your fancy! I'm stuck at work for the next 8 hours on a Sunday evening so your questions should be answered promptly, unless I'm actually doing work, or at lunch.
Ask a Loon
by SacrificialLoon 44 Replies latest jw friends
What first attracted you to this site?
Whats with the Satanic avatar ;)
Did you know that the term LUNA-TIC was first used against Moon worshipers and those who didn't go along with the church's view of how things work up there?
Do you believe in the FSM?
Oh, a serious question. Well ok Jgnat:)
I was curious one day, and did an internet search on Jehovah's Witnesses, and I found all sorts of things about Beth Sarim, the abuse scandals, C. T. Russell, and lots of other things. I have been inactive for years, but still stuck in a Witness purgatory so to speak, I still had that nagging feeling "well what if they are right"? The stuff I found convinced me that they are completely wrong, I also ran into this site, and it was nice to know I'm not alone in having these feelings. It's nice to be able to chat with people that have gone through the same things. Whenever I'd tried to talk about it to other's who were never in they'd get this glazed look on their face and change the subject, and it was frustrating, but here there's actuall people who understand what it's like. It's nice to be understood for a change. -
Needproof, my avatar isn't Satanic it's a picture from a Rush Album "2112".
Here's a link to the lyrics. -
Mystla, I've considered getting one of those FSM things for my car for I have indeed been touched by his noodly appendage. :)
Yes, I know - but you haven't heard the conspiracy theories? lol. I guess there is a conspiracy theory for everything!
Why do so many loons live in Maine?
considered getting one of those FSM things for my car
LOL, me too... mostly because my JW family wouldn't be offended by it because they wouldn't know what it was that, and it's cute!