I'm going back..................

by Warlock 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    I have made a decision. A very difficult one, indeed.

    I'm going back to the truth. I figure I can probably get 10-15 hours of service in a month and be appointed an MS in about 3 years and Elder about 3 years after that.

    If I can also pioneer, I'm sure that will speed up the process.

    Please, I don't need anyone here trying to convince me to not do it. My mind is made up. What better time than now, around the Memorial.

    I make this public resolve, here on JWD on this FIRST DAY OF APRIL, 2007,

    Warlock (The April Foole)

  • RAF


  • nvrgnbk

    I have made a decision. A very difficult one, indeed.

    I'm going back to the truth. I figure I can probably get 10-15 hours of service in a month and be appointed an MS in about 3 years and Elder about 3 years after that.

    If I can also pioneer, I'm sure that will speed up the process.

    Please, I don't need anyone here trying to convince me to not do it. My mind is made up. What better time than now, around the Memorial.

    I make this public resolve, here on JWD on this FIRST DAY OF APRIL, 2007,

    Warlock (The April Foole)

    May Jehovah bless your service!

  • JWdaughter

    Is it theocratic to play april fool jokes???

  • Warlock
    Is it theocratic to play april fool jokes???

    For now, yes. Once I regain my spirituality, no. Then again, once I do regain my spirituality, THE RULES SAY, I won't be able to come around here. Bad association and all that. Warlock

  • RAF

    Spirituality allow to laugh - there is a time for everything (Paul made me laugh a lot - when before he was getting on my nerves with the GB quoting him with their interpretations of what he was saying).

    Also I've realised that at Gana's wed when it's not obvious in the French version of the answer of Jesus to Mary, what he is really saying is humor : it means "what? Geeeeees you already put me on the job" (since if I do remember well it's the first miracle he was about to do) / in the french version of the NWT his answer almost looks like an insult to his mother like he was saying (you woman are not allowed to bother me).

    Even when Jesus is talking to the Jews about the Pharises (LOL) since they were present (errr ... you guys listen to them - means see I'm not firing you buggers - but get the slap you need to get - also to the Jews it meant with those ridles get the point about what is what).

  • free2think

    very funny Warlock, thought you were serious for about a second.

  • JH

    April Fuel.....

  • snarf

    Very well played on this holiest of days for all those jokesters out there....you have won my respect!!!hahahahahahahaha

  • Mad

    Warlock wrote: Once I regain my spirituality, no. Then again, once I do regain my spirituality, THE RULES SAY, I won't be able to come around here. Bad association and all that.Warlock

    Mad writes: Sounds like wasted time, my friend: spirituality does NOT come from men- either you have it by turning your life to Jehovah & Christ, or you just become another worshipper of a religion! If you know it's the truth- as I do- and just wish to be with those of the same goal, that will be a great course for you to take! The very WORST if you need men to make you feel better about yourself! And there is nothing wrong with coming to this board- unless you HAVE no faith...

    However, the simplest, and most powerful way to continue, is simply prayer! He will NOT let you down- even tho it seems we always let HIM down!


    the Mad JW!

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