Incorrect. I can't remember a time we said we were glad and jumped for joy when people get cancer or get ran over by a car. I can't remember as a JW picketing the funeral's of dead servicemen to say that we were glad that they had died. That is pure evil, fear fueled or not, it is evil, they are all evil bastards. We were all fearful but we never did shit like that.
Westboro Baptist Church - Americas Most Hated Family
by dh 27 Replies latest jw friends
Incorrect. I can't remember a time we said we were glad and jumped for joy when people get cancer or get ran over by a car. I can't remember as a JW picketing the funeral's of dead servicemen to say that we were glad that they had died. That is pure evil, fear fueled or not, it is evil, they are all evil bastards. We were all fearful but we never did shit like that.
Maybe that's because we weren't required to do so? If the Society had told us that a part of our salvation involved picketing gay groups, and celebrated when gay people died, there's a strong possibility many people on this board would have done so. Good and evil is subjective. They think what they do is good, you and I think it's evil. Perhaps one day they'll break free from cult mind control and understand what they did in the same way you and I do.
Hi Zico
I didn't get to see every single minute of the programme as I was 'in and out' sorting the kids out (rowdy so and so's they were last night) but I didn't see any of the four that had been DF'd from the group but I'll ask my husband since he was glued to the programme in total Horror!
Good and evil is subjective. They think what they do is good, you and I think it's evil. Perhaps one day they'll break free from cult mind control and understand what they did in the same way you and I do.
WT art picture tells thousand words -Danny Haszard born 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness 1957 first image below is from my first Watchtower theocratic 'coloring book' and my nightmares.
GHOULS for GOD 6.5 billion dead and we are happy JW
Watching this did remind me of growing up as a dub, I didn't have to be told what I could and couldn't do, it had been drummed into me at every meeting I went to.
The similarities between them and the dubs is quite scary, although I would have liked to understand more about their idea that people who die are dieing because of god's judgement! Is that everyone? If 'gramp' phelps kicks the bucket tomorrow is that god's judgement that he was found wanting or is it ok to cash in your chips if you are a member of the westboro baptists? Something I would have liked to have had a little more clarification on.
The dubs and wbc seem to share exactly the same merciless, judgemental, humourless, sex obsessed old testament god.
Incorrect. I can't remember a time we said we were glad and jumped for joy when people get cancer or get ran over by a car. I can't remember as a JW picketing the funeral's of dead servicemen to say that we were glad that they had died. That is pure evil, fear fueled or not, it is evil, they are all evil bastards. We were all fearful but we never did shit like that.
Well I certainly remember it being called the 'good news'. I seem to recall that the message from the platform was that we should be happy about the approach of armageddon. How is it different to be celebrating the immenent destruction of the majority of the worlds population than to celebrate the deaths of individuals? Just because the wbts are more interested in money than controversy doesn't mean that their message is any more wholesome than the message of phelps and the wbc.
The shunning thing is deplorable and marks them out as a cult. In fact that's the primary secular objection I have against the WTS (my primary spiritual/theological one being their denigration of Christ).
The documentary clearly identified "Gramps" as the instigator of a generational hate campaign. It seems that the pickets are the catalyst for letting the hate-filled group alterego out, though, as generally their behaviour was normative.
AK - Jeff
Maybe that's because we weren't required to do so? If the Society had told us that a part of our salvation involved picketing gay groups, and celebrated when gay people died, there's a strong possibility many people on this board would have done so.
Zico - You are dead right. In Rutherford's era, "Religion is a snare and racket" pickets outside churches was the flavor of the day. And Jw's, being the cult-followers they were, did it without question - it was the 'right thing to do' in 'Jehovah's eyes' at the time. Yet, the objects of this display of hatred were doing nothing wrong, just going to the church of their choice, instead of the church of Jw choice. To have manipulated Jw's in that time to have picketed openly gay or military events of some sort [since these things are scripturally wrong from the Jw perspective] would have been quite easily accomplished I believe.
The shunning thing is deplorable and marks them out as a cult. In fact that's the primary secular objection I have against the WTS ( my primary spiritual/theological one being their denigration of Chris t).
Agreed. Jeff
Just wondering when, if one uses your argument Zico, suicide bombers are not considered evil simply because, as you put it, 'they are controlled'..?
Your assertion is ridiculous. I am afraid anybody who rejoices when somebody on the outside gets cancer is an evil, nasty piece of work. You are more or less apologizing for this fucktards.
Needproof - I think the 'controlled' phrase is an attempt to understand why someone might do something so bad, just as you might say 'uneducated'. There is a need to understand such stupid or even 'evil' behaviour. If we don't understand 'why' someone could feel compelled to do something so bad, and mental illness is not an issue in that particular case, then we have to understand what has happened to their minds and what it is that makes them feel compelled to OBEY, and in this case, FEAR fits very nicely as an explanation.
FEAR was probably one of the most used words in this programme.
Good point Gill, that's made me look at it in a new light. Although I still believe they are evil; but I guess fear has a lot to do with it, yes.