Come, worship a god who wants parents to stone their children to death!

by jambon1 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IP_SEC

    This is the same God who wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son, allowed Jeptha to sacrifice his daughter, apparantly ordered the killng of millions of men women and children for LAND. The same god, who according to apocalyptic christians, plans to kill everyone except for THEM!

    Its actually several different gods who were melded into one Thats why jehover seems to have MPD. Loving creator/murderous psychopath

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    It is clearly the JW understanding, and teaching, of God, you have an issue with.

    If you researched history and thought about it you might come to a different conclusion.

    Things aren't what they sometimes seem to be.

    It is wisdom to reserve judgement.

    BA- I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

    PS- Chil out, have a splif or your fav'rit beverage, dude.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    It is clearly the JW understanding, and teaching, of God, you have an issue with.

    If you researched history and thought about it you might come to a different conclusion.

    Acctually, that's simply not correct. The dubs try to tone him down quite a bit, the recent thread about their view on Jephthahs daughtor proves that. It's the BIBLE god that I have a problem with.

    The bible plainly states that parents must stone their disobedient children to death, for brattiness, choosing a different religion, having sex before marriage, striking the parent (What if the parent is a creep and deserves it?) and other such 'horrible crimes'.

    Exodus 21:15, 17; Matthew 15:4; Mark 7:10. Deuteronomy 13:6-11

    I HAVE researched it and I HAVE thought about it. And I've decided that even if that god did exist, he would not deserve my worship.

    If you happen to be interested in researching it too, check this out: I sincerely hope you're shocked...


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Diffrnt strokes fer diffrnt fokes, no?

    I'll engage you on this some udder time.



  • JWdaughter

    Shelley (Crazyblonddeb),

    I read your reply about your folks and I wanted to cry. You have been such a grace and gift to those here on this board (and I assume off of the board!) that I know many here would not probably even BE here (at all!) if you hadn't LIVED as well as you have. As you are so bright and intelligent, I am assuming they had damage after birth and they weren't born stupid or anything. Apparently something happened along the way. Glad you escaped their fate!



  • Navigator

    Why would anyone think that the ideas about What God Wants enumerated in the Old Testament have any validity at all? What if the picture of God layed out in the bible is completly wrong? I suggest you read "What God Wants" by Neale Don Walsh. It is an amazing book! Forget everything you have been led to believe about God. You can be sure that it is completely wrong.

  • sinis

    I completely agree!!! STOP AND THINK PEOPLE!!!! WHY ARE YOU WORSHIPPING A JEWISH GOD, WRITTEN IN A JEWISH BOOK OF MYTHOLOGY??? Why aren't the Romans right, how about the Sumarians, after all they are the oldest culture on the planet. How about the Greek gods, they seem ok don't they? Here is another tid bit to think about... The ONLY reason you have a Judeo-Christian religion today known as christianity is because of TWO things - time and place. If Jerusalem had been occupied by Arabs, under control of Rome then we would probably have an Islam-Christian religion of some kind today. If Jesus existed why do the historians not talk of him until decades later? Qumran sect doesn't even mention him, nor christianity yet they supposedly were a thorn in romes side in the early first century. Also, we have fashioned our legal system after Romes, since they had a system of lawyers and laws. Does anyone REALLY think for one moment that pilate would give into the crowd and condemn an innocent man? Where were the lawyers of Jesus? Finally, DOES ANYONE REALLY THINK THAT GOD (think about that word for a moment) NEEDS OR WANTS YOU TO WORSHIP HIM? Do you really think that God is salivating at the mouth to kill 99.9% of all humanity? Do you really think God is on the side of Christians, whereas to hell with everyone else? Do you want your kids to worship you? Do you kill your kids when they screw up? Do you hold sins against your great great grandchildren for what your kids did? Hell no!!! Yet you are an "IMPERFECT" pathetic human, and yet you have better moral standards than omniscent, ominpotent, almighty god? Yea, thats who I want to hang with... Religion is the second arm of government (at least in democratic socities). If religion did not exist then you would have communisim (form of religion). Religion picks up where government can't go. Should I steal? Hmmm I could get away with it and the police won't see me, buttttt God will and I don't want to go to hell... Should I help this old lady across the street? No social incentive to do that, butttttt God will see and I will go to heaven... ONCE AGAIN, PLEASE FREE YOUR MIND...

  • nvrgnbk

    Excellent advice sinis! It would appear that reality should be both our foundation and our guide.

  • found-my-way

    Great thread!

    made me think of different aspects of that's why God has MPD?? interesting!!

  • JWdaughter

    Sinis, excellent post. All of them are great.

    My mom is even a JW and loves me-an opposer. Yet she thinks God will destroy people who are millions of generations beyond the original sinners? Even when she was mad at me, she put up with me (except for the period of shunning:) ) to be with my kids. And she wouldn't even consign me to destruction.

    Another thing-what is it about this god who constantly needs validation from a bunch of (apparently) weak, worthless, stupid human beings? How could something so low as us VINDICATE him to ? satan? Other humans? the angels? Who is he worried about losing his cred with, anyhow? And would there be so many religions if he had been a little more direct in the entire Bible? Really, telling us all his dirty laundry-the people he ordered killed. The bible reads like the memoir/expose of a righteously horrible god. Are all saved or some saved? Which rules apply? Do we cut off the hair of adulterous women, stone our children, or do we love our neighbor? What to do? What to do???!!!

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