A friend and I were discussing the possible means by which the WTS could drop 1914, the last remaining significant prophetic flop-date to which they cling. I believe they will feel compelled to do so, and I believe they will do so within the next 5 years. Why?
- They tend to drop significant prophecies before crucial anniversaries that make them a clear laughingstock. Example: The 1914 Generation - The 1935 Sealing. In both cases, it had to happen when it did. The 1914 Generation was about to hit the laughingstock meter in 2000. At that point, most of the people who could have been alive in 1914, even as teenagers, would be dead. As for the 1935 Sealing; It was related to the same thing - they simply could not justify, even to the relatively inane membership, any longer, that the 'partakers' were growing, and that they were clearly not dying off on schedule.
- The 1914 date is now just seven years away from centurian status. Though they have relegated it to the 'back burner', with relatively few mentions any longer in the publications, the date has not been excecuted yet, and with it being a crucial foundation stone to them, they must kill it off, or face the laugh meter to any who bring it up to them in the future. No thinking human being can find it plausible that a heavenly king was installed nearly 100 years ago, and then just sat there doing nothing. 2014 will begin to ring too many bells in the Kingdom, and some will wake up and leave. Perhaps many will. By elimination of that date as significant in the same way they have proclaimed it significant in the past, they off-guard the masses before the masses know it.
I present here, an oversimplified version of how they may do so;
Questions From Readers
When did Jesus assume heavenly rulership?
We must first of all remember that Jehovah is both King and Judge. He always has been and always will be. That is comforting to Christians to know. We are never left without a King. But what of Jesus? The angel announcing his birth said: "Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father, . . . and there will be no end of his kingdom." (Luke 1:32, 33) Jesus would be permanent heir of the Davidic kingship, for David said: "The utterance of Jehovah to my Lord [Jesus] is: ‘Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.’ The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion, saying: ‘Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.’"—Psalm 110:1-4.
When would that be? Jesus did not rule as King while a human. (John 18:33-37) In 33 C.E., he died, was resurrected, and ascended to heaven. Hebrews 10:12 says: "This man offered one sacrifice for sins perpetually and sat down at the right hand of God." What authority did Jesus have? "[God] seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above every government and authority and power and lordship . . . and made him head over all things to the congregation." (Ephesians 1:20-22) At that point, Jesus had kingly authority over Christians only, so Paul could write that, Jehovah "delivered us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of his love."—Colossians 1:13; 3:1. Though this rule was invisible to those on the earth, it was nonetheless real to those who subjected themselves under that rulership. Jesus did not then act as King and Judge over the nations. He was seated next to God, awaiting the time to act as King of God’s Kingdom. Paul wrote of him: "With reference to which one of the angels has he ever said: ‘Sit at my right hand, until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet’?"—Hebrews 1:13.
Jehovah's Witnesses have been adamantly announcing that Kingdom for some time now. There can be no doubt that significant events have unfolded in heaven, to which our fleshly eyes are not witness. Do we accept that Jehovah has already installed Jesus as King? Perhaps. Careful obsevation by God's people for well over 100 years has made it clear that we are late in the stream of time. But we need to careful not to engage in idle speculation as to the specific timetable for that heavenly inaugeration, as if we are privy to special understanding. Recall the warning of our Lord Jesus, a warning that has been time and again stressed within the pages of this journal, when he said, " Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." - Matthew 24:36
In the early 1800's, a young man named William Miller began to speculate on such dates and times. He dated the return of Christ to October 22, 1844. The failure of that date brought bitter disappointment to him and those who followed his unscriptural reckonings. Today, that nineteenth century burgeoning Adventist movement has been devastated and embarrassed by similar failings often. Religiously, it lies in shambles today as a result, and we who intend on serving the Most High Jehovah for eternity must be careful not to bring similar results to His worship in our day by idle speculation as to a 'day and hour' that has been unannounced specifically in the Scriptures.
It is one thing to recognize that significant times have been upon us for the better part of a century. It is quite another to attach specific heavenly events to those dates or seasons without proof. Though well meaning, such speculation could lead us into despair, and we might begin to slack off in our service to Jehovah. So while we have often referred to the significance of certain dates in modern human history as important in marking the 'times and seasons' in which we reside, such as 1914, no doubt a watershed date in human affairs, we would not desire to speculate as to the time when Jehovah specifically has placed Jesus on the throne as our King. Such has been the folly of others, and to follow such a course could lead to disappointment, even a 'shipwreck of our faith'.
It would seem unlikely, in our view, that such enthronement of our King Jesus is still future, but it could be. We resist the tendency of some to take on the mantle of a prophet in this regard. We believe that the 'time left is reduced', but cannot state for a certainty that 'day or hour'. And we encourage those who have joined us in the fight, on the side of righteousness, to avoid so doing also, as this could bring reproach on our God and His soon to be ruling Son and King, Jesus. - 1 Corr. 7:29; Matt 24:36
They will of course precede or follow this with study articles that will detail how they have never speculated on the matter, and that if some have taken it that way, they should examine thier own hearts as to the matter. If done, and done well, as I believe they must somewhat before 2014 rears it's ugly head in their faces, the R&F will barely blink, swallow and accept. By 2014 they will have forgotten that 1914 was ever mentioned, and will swear at the doors that it wasn't - or that it was misunderstood by earlier Jw's and blown out of proportion.
Just my opinion