"This could be the last Memorial before Armageddon"

by south african beef 25 Replies latest social entertainment

  • BizzyBee
    You should stick to the correct phrase "Armageddon is right around the corner" because it was printed by Jehovah's official Erf-lee Organization

    Aha! Good point! This is so that, if necessary some day, the GB can re-define "corner."

    "We never said what size the corner is - new light tells us the corner could be the size of Australia. We also never said how close we were in present time to the axis of that corner. So, the rank and file, in their enthusiasm for the imminent slaughter of 6 billion of their fellow men, women and children, assumed that it was meant that Armageddon was, literally, right around the corner. Not so. But it is real soon now."

  • stillajwexelder

    Yep - our PO siad that on Sunday - possibly the last memorai lbefore Armageddon

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Have you been drinking some of that wine Stilla?

    Just checking as a couple of your spellings were a bit iffy!


  • MinisterAmos
    possibly the last memorai lbefore Armageddon

    Possibly the last before I become a raging fairy and about as likely. Either way who really cares? You die The End.

  • zagor

    Yes how could I forget, I remember this elder telling everyone there that "this" could be very likely one of the last if not the last memorial (more likely than not by the way he made it sound). You could hear later people talking excitedly after the meeting about "implications" of this new revelation...

    That was some 15 years ago ...

  • Elsewhere

    This could be the last Memorial before I win the lottery!

  • crazyblondeb
    I have an extra quarter in my pocket.

    I hope you have a bunch of quarters!!!

    I think you should light a candle tonight, right up on the podium!!

  • Stealth453

    I heard the same tripe in '74 and '75.

    Fear mongering bastards.

  • SirNose586

    A few memorials ago, I heard the same thing from my PO. Maybe now he knows better than to say something like that. Or maybe not.

  • heathen

    just got back from the kingdub hall and nobody there even said it . So far no rapture of the church , but I believe armageddon is an invisible spiritual warfare that goes on between the saints and the church battling the satanic elements of the world ,it ends on the great fear inspiring day of God Almighty.

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