The WT would have us believe that worldly people admire and respect witnesses for their fine conduct. Not my experience when I left and sought candid expressions of what they really thought about the witnesses I found for the most part rather than admire them they think they are a little weird that there is something wrong with them. Those that do have a personal experience to relate tell of the negative effect the religion had on a family member that got involved with them. Yet there was no hatred when relating theses stories more one of confusion ( how could this happen) and hurt. What did you learn of public opinion re the witnesses?
What do so called wprldly people think of Witnesses
by Axeman 18 Replies latest jw experiences
I learned that the "world" rarely thinks about the witnesses at all, whether it be to laud them or to persecute them. For those who haven't had a personal experience with them, they're little more than a Saturday morning nuisance.
My experience is similar to what has been posted so far. If and when people even know who the Witnesses are, I have never heard anyone express being 'impressed' with Witness behavior. Mostly JWs are considered annoying but harmless oddballs. Their beliefs are not known or understood outside of their own ranks (so much for over 100 years of preaching!) They are not scrutinized by the world the way that they think they are, anymore than the world took note of the People's Temple or Branch Davidians until they started getting themselves killed.
yeah - i agree, most see them as a bit of a
nuicencenuisencenuisance (sp? lol i came in to edit it and still dont know how its spelt) on a sat/sun. hubbys thoughts(never a dub) - he doesn't like em cos they're a religion and he doesn't like any religion. all religions are basically the same in most peoples eyes i think. -
Ditto to the above.
I agree with Enlightened....however, I now make sure that everyone and anyone that I talk to 'in the world', understands perfectly how they operate. I tell them what 'disfellowshipping' means and exactly how families treat their 'loved ones' like dead people. I point to their own children, mothers and fathers, grandparents, brothers and sisters and ask them if they could cut off all ties to them because they are told to. I make no bones about the 2 witness rule - and I drive the point home in a personal way. I make sure they understand that they do not agree with education in order to keep their flock under control and most importantly, I make sure that they really understand the absolute prejudice that a Jehovahs Witness feels for anyone who does not belong to their organization. I tell them of the old lady who was disfellowshipped and had a flat tire on the way to the Kingdom Hall, and how her own children drove right past her and refused to stop and help her. I tell them how this elderly 83 year old stood in the heat waiting for someone to stop until finally a 'worldy' person came along and changed her flat for her. I tell them how the Elders ignored her once she made it there and how everyone was patting each other on the back for NOT helping her. I make sure they understand that the Jehovahs Witnesses hate the world and the people in it but they smile while doing it; I make sure they understand that the Witnesses hate government but will put their hand out to take welfare or pensions if offered; I make sure they understand that Witnesses refuse to work for or engage in any military activity here but don't refuse an army pension for past duty; that they slam voting in any way yet vote at many levels of their own organization; that they control by guilt and fear and hatred...not by a bible. I do my best to make sure that worldly people actually understand the witness mindset - theocratic warfare. sammieswife.
What do so called worldly people think of Witnesses?
They could not care less!
They don't think too highly of them after they hear one of my or Jace's seminars explaining their doctrines and practices.
Reckon that's why the local JW's tell householders that I am a LIAR and UNREPENTANT SINNER when they tell the JW they have attended a seminar exposing the WTBTS?
They could not care less!
That is what I have found. Most know nothing about them. So much for the great preaching work about Gods Kingdom. Some of my workmates have never heard of JWs and most just view them as annoying book sellers, but have no idea of the message. They certainly do not have a reputation for doing anything positive. What sort of God would judge everlasting life based on how a person reacted to a couple of uninvited hawkers at their door?
I now tell each of my friends and colleagues about the Watchtower doctrine, structure and particularly disfellowshipping. There is no chance that anyone that knows me would ever contemplate joining.
Who are you?
I think the WTS is one of the most self aggrandizing religions that exists today. If you have to advertise to others, especially the flock, that you are humble, loving , kind , generous etc....then you're not. The proof is in your deeds, not your words.
They talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk. They are hypocrites and liars and teach their followers to do the same by using "Theocratic Warfare" as an excuse to lie through their teeth . The amount of people that they have murdered by giving totally unscriptural advice from blood to shunning is indefensable.
They advertise that Jehovah will wipe out 99% of the worlds population, but that is the GB's own sick desire. If the GB could push a button to wipe out everyone but JW's, they'd do it in a second. They are the most blood thirsty cult in existence.
Now as far as individual JW's go, my experience has taught me that they are totally untrustworthy and their love is completely conditional while they are in the cult. Once out, then its a different story. My brother was in 20 years, has been out 12 and currently I'd trust him with my life.
As far as other non-JW's that I have spoken to....not only do they not think about JW's, they have a really hard time believing any of the BS that the WTS does, especially shunning. They end up just shaking their head and saying that religion is nuts!
How's that for an honest reply?