I am getting a tattoo on Friday!

by Crumpet 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    Wanderer, I got my ears pierced 24 years ago, my navel pierced 13 years ago, and a tattoo on my calf a year ago. I still like them all and am glad I did it. What makes you think a person can't make a decision about personal ornamentation and remain happy with it?

    Good for you Crumpet! Make sure the design is one you love, that you don't "settle," and most of all, if the tattoo artist designs something that looks different from what you have in your mind, make sure you absolutely love it MORE than your original idea before you let him ink it.

  • Crumpet

    Good advice Odrade!

    LMAO Hilary-step - that is sooooo funny! And made some excellent points.

    Brother A -

    Go for a field of poppies and a field of garden spiders, encompassing them.

    That way, you could continue the theme.

    BA- Botanicals for me.

    Yep I just might out of sheer stubborness! LOL!

    Seriously though a tattoo only an inch in diameter is not a big deal on the grand scale of things and will be by far the least unsightly part of my body and certainly a lot better looking than the vast proportion of my skin! And it will be talismanic for me...although my only worry is that when it is healed then its effect may not be so powerful and I will need another and another and end up more like Richie than I actually want to!
  • new boy
    new boy

    A good friend just got one ........she thought her husband would like it see it on her......She didn't know what.........or were to put the thing. So going to the tattoo artist, he asked her if her husband had any "pet names" for her..........she said no but he always said she had "the best butt".......she also said she didn't want it to put were everyone else to see it ............so the guy said "perfect we'll put 2 big Bs on each cheek (back side that is). She said Great!

    Well the day came to show off her new tattoos.................so after taking off all her cloths....she bent over and asked her husband what he thought..........He said "It's great but who is BOB?"

  • diamondblue1974


    This is mine; it didnt hurt that much except for the tip of the tail over my shoulder.

    The dark outline hurts predominantly more than shading; shading is almost like an annoying itch!


  • Crumpet

    Lovely DB! What made you choose the dragon?

  • diamondblue1974

    I got the design from a tarot card from a pack that I own - its unique and thought it looked amazing.


  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    When I was young and stupid I had these two tattoos done. I was 18 and the swallow originally had my fiance's name on it above mine

    The only bit that hurt was the ends of the swallows tail and wings

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    then I got my first dragon on my left forearm when I was 21

    the only bit that hurt was right on the boney bit of my wrist.

    I'm now a software consultant and I occassionally get interesting comments and looks but I manage to disarm with my strident wit and boundless charm

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    then I met my wife and decided it was time to get the swallow covered. I made a huge mistake here and rushed the job, I also knew nothing about coverups and picked an "artist" who as a complete cock. This is my only tattoo I am really unhappy with and if I ever have a spare couple of thousand I will get laser removal to the point where I can have a new, big tatt placed on the skin in it's current position.

    A couple of years ago before I left the UK I went into a tatt parlour just to browse through the pictures and got chatting to the artist in there. I fancied getting my rose covered but wasn't sure what with. I ended up with Dragon number 2. It was 8 hours work - 4 hours of line work and then a month for it to heal and a further 4 hours of shading and colouring. My shoulder went numbe after 20 minutes and I spent the time watching a rap DVD which completely took my mind off the tatt. I love it and my next piece will be a back job, something based on the sun to reflect my Cornish celtic roots.

    Whatever you get, make it something original and meaningful.

  • Crumpet

    Such funny stories Satan's little helper. I'd never get someone's name tattooed - people are not permanent in my life so it would be pointless!

    Whatever you get, make it something original and meaningful

    I will and am - hopefully it is completely original as I designed it myself and the concept behind it must be unique to me although there are similarities in the emblems I have chosen to Richie's although what they represent is somewhat different!

    I have to say the worst concept behind a tattoo was a whole hymn on the back of this guy I met in Ottawa - it was a hymn or a poen - anyway it covered his whole back and was supposed to reflect his scottish heritage - apparently he had a great great great grandmother who was had been to Scotland or some such nonsense. I felt sooo sorry for him! But then he seemed pretty proud of it!

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