Thank you Thank you Nosferatu. :)
and gosh, what good daydreams I had at the, I had my own fantasy world goin on during the watchtower discussions, i tell you what. :)
by XJW4EVR 20 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you Thank you Nosferatu. :)
and gosh, what good daydreams I had at the, I had my own fantasy world goin on during the watchtower discussions, i tell you what. :)
The dubs came actually on Sunday morning to invite me, I was very upset because they woke me up and I was planning to sleep until 1 PM to catch up with lost sleep. They rang just before ten in the morning. The last time I went was in 1986, I DAed in 1987. I am surprised the R&F dubs still bother with going door to door long after 1995 put an end to their hopes of a definite soon to be end.
I think that that is the point that we should all try to get to- a sort of indifference to the witnesses, being able to talk to or walk by them or the KH with out batting an eyebrow.
Unless of course you are involved in picketing or otherwise actively working to get folks who are still stuck in, out.
Hope the rest of you life is starting to go as calmly...
: )
I found that my pinnacle was reached as soon as my wife stopped crying and pouting because I wasn't going. This year, she got dressed, asked me about her shoes, and left. Waaay easier than a couple of years ago.
and gosh, what good daydreams I had at the, I had my own fantasy world goin on during the watchtower discussions
I had a bit more trouble with fantasies at the meetings. There weren't really any good looking ladies in my KH. But when you're a desperate, bored, horny teenager, you'll mentally undress the ugly girl with the nice bum. Conventions were a lot easier ;)
At our hall they could still be using the same wine from 1960, since no one has ever partaken here.
So, since I would be inclined to partake now - I shall have to decline - for I wish not to die from tainted foods. LOL
It never came up around our house. And no one came by w and invitation, either, despite the fact a dub elder lives right around the corner and has to drive past our house on the way to work every day.
We last "attended" in '03 so this makes four we've "missed." But we haven't missed 'em at all. We will go to church on Sunday and partake of the emblems there. They have a better choir.
I haven't been to a memorial since 2003. I did a really good job at slooooowly drifting (and eventually moving) away so no one bothers me anymore :) w00t!
Have I reached a new level of Ex-Dubism? The level of Ex-Dab master? Totally detatched from all things Dub?
You are a jedi master.....or did you forget the force is with you!!
The strange thing about the JWs memorial is this, it is just boring and has little meaning to JWs in a general sense.
. In fact my opinion is this, it is virtually impossible to even compare the Holy week we celebrate in our Church to the JWs memorial. Only those proffessing to be of the 144,000 are to partake. I am trying to remember at the last supper Jesus never mentioned anything about the 144,000 He told all his followers to do this in remembrance of me. If the 144000 was so important as the witnesses claim then why didn't Jesus mention it..? We are all heirs of Christ, we all are a part of the body of Christ, As long as we live by the two greatest commandments then we are all Christs children worthy to be partakers of the bread and wine.
I have always thought it wrong that all JW's couldn't partake. To me it is just plain stupid. They conjure up bible texts to fit the purpose for what they want the witnesses to believe. They are really the hypocrites Christ condemned.
Our Lord give himself for all of mankind, you and me, not that other number. I have come to appreciate the significance all the steps that lead up to our Lords death and resurrection. You always hear the witnesses lambase other religions but frankly the other religions really make the steps leading to Christs demise alive in our hearts and minds, and it is wonderful the celebration at the Anglican / Episcopal church. I love the honour they bring to Christ with their reverence for him. They are not pious they are wonderful people who come together and learn for several weeks the steps that lead to the Passion of Christ. Then we are all invited to partake of the wine and bread.
Too bad the witnesses are just to self righteous to even consider they may be wrong.
I don't blame most of you regarding your feelings of the memorial, it is just not what it is all about. and the Witnesses are being deprived of taking something that is so important in the lives of all Christians. OOPs I forgot JW are to biased to other faiths. They could really learn alot from other religions. Lets face the WTS says the churches are wrong but it was okay for them to sit like the harlot on the wild beast rendering tp the image of the wild beast homage. What Devil worshipers they are. tsk tsk tsk.
that is my feelings anyway and in no way am I pushing my feelings on anyone here, but just wanted to share it with all of you how very happy I am. With my faith renewed I count it a great blessing to share in Christs sufferings and ressurection.
all my love
By the way Happy Good Friday to all of you. And Happy Easter as well.