I've been out for about 4 years and for the first time I've been able to find a place that understands how hard it was for me to get to where I am today after being raised a JW. I feel like all of you can relate to having to start a new life from scratch after years of living a completely different one. So, thanks..
Thank you.
by BridgeOverTroubledWater 24 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, BOTW.
We all understand.
Welcome! Glad you found this place...I felt the same way when I finally came across it. I like that there are so many very smart people here that help you with seeing the real "truth". I don't think I could have ever been fully set free from the WT doctrines without them!
You shouldn't have chosen that for your forum name. A JW told me that Paul Simon was singing about having a drug overdose in that song.
Welcome to the board!
Welcome aboard!
In case of a water landing your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device...
my question is this...out of how many crashes you might have seen on the news that involved airplanes and water have you seen seat cushions floating in the water? :)
^ Good point! hehe & thanks for the welcome everyone
Welcome :)
Welcome BOTW.
Welcome "Bridge." Glad to have you here, a great place to let your feelings out.