I haven't had chance to post on JWD recently but reading some posts the last few months it seems that many friends on the board are going through rough times because of the Jehovah`s Witness cult. My heart goes out to them and hope everything turns out well especially those who have been rejected by spouses, children and family or maybe have the prospect of being shunned if they act according to their conscience.
I don't know what`s going on at the meetings as I haven't set foot in one for 4 years but it seems JW's are being whipped up into another armageddon frenzy and are therefore putting pressure on ex-JW's to rejoin. It seems to coincide with CO's visits.
My parents have been acting especially mental recently. I'm used to the ongoing psychological pressure that they try to exert by saying I'll be destroyed soon or that if I'm not a JW I'm on Satan's side or that I've turned my back on the family. The past couple of weeks though they've tried a different tack.
They said that because I was Satanic my belongings had brought demons into the house. It kicked off originally because they saw a gun on my copy of Half-Life 2 and threw it out. They then burned my Alan Bennet books because he's a homosexual and burned my Richard Dawkins books because he supports evolution. They then decided to systematically ransack the house for anything they viewed as dodgy or 2nd hand. They found my Ray Franz books and books on biblical criticism which I had hidden so they saw this as justification for their actions. By this point I'd had enough and left. I spent the next two weeks camping near Southampton and wondering what to do next. I eventually went back as they seemed to have calmed down and said the house was no longer demonised.
When I got back there seemed to be more space in the house, and that was because they had burned every book that I owned and thrown out every DVD and all my PC software regardless of there content. I was in a state of shock, I was quite proud of my library of books and DVD's which I had collected through the years. There was probably thousands of pounds worth of stuff destroyed but that didn't bother me too much , what upset me was their lack of compassion for how I would feel. They have never apologised but instead bombard me with stories of demons afflicting people and that because I was on satan's side that's why I was depressed (nothing to do with losing my job, my flat, my girlfriend and having a mental family)
I really think at the moment that I never want to see them again but there's no quick escape. I've joined a charity that finds you volunteer work on organic farms and in exchange the farmer gives you accomodation and meals. I'm off down to Somerset to work at one of these farms on Sunday for I'm not sure how long, maybe 4 or 5 months as an indefinite stay isn't an option. So I'll be away from JWD for a while as I'll be staying in a caravan. I'm looking forward to it really, it'll be an experience I haven't tried before as I've always worked in IT or finance. Long term I'm not sure what's happening. It feels kinda surreal at the moment.
Amyway thanks for listening, I appreciate the opportunity to get this stuff off my chest.
Strange days
by New Worldly Translation 11 Replies latest jw friends
New Worldly Translation
oh my gosh- !
I can't believe that those people did that to you! They sound psyyyyyycho!
That is great about your new situation for the next few months. It sort of sounds like a fun time. Perhaps you will find a totally new lead in life.
Wish the best for you,
-Kudra -
Sounds like you need that break on the organic farm. You'd never have had this opportunity if you were still in your flat I suppose but it's still a bummer. Hope things look up for you soon.
My mother used to throw out anything I cherished under the same guise too.
I feel for you.
I hope you'll let us know how that organic farming thing goes. Sounds healthy, in more ways than one! :)
Goodonya! -
Good grief your'e a grown man i can't believe they'd chuck your personal belongings away, i'm sorry you've had such a hard time.
Have fun on the farm, it'll probably be a rewarding time, i didn't even know we had organic farms in Somerset!
Your lucky your still living at home or were living at home at 30. My parents through me out at 19 as soon as I graduated high school and had no direction because armeggedon was comming so I wasnt supposed to get an education or even a decent job. If you want a free ride you have to put up with their bull.
I don't like to sound like a hard ass. But, witnoids are all about conditional love. If you sell literature they love you. If not, they don't want to know you.
After all, think about it. It is a publishing company, Publish or perish. If your not moving the literature, your dead weight and a bad example to the other sales people.
Wow, Im so sorry to hear it. I havent heard about anyone freaking out that bad about the demonic nonsense since I was a kid. I had one poor friend who would frequently have to retrieve his belongings from the pool where his dad had deposited them because they were demonized.
Hopefully the time down on the farm will give you the chance you need to regroup.
-Edit: and good luck (but be careful, luck might be demonized)
I'm so sorry - what you described is really abuse and sadism masquerading as fear of demons. I found out when I left the org. that worldly friends are much more loving and kind than any JW relatives. I spent some time really depressed, but it went away as I created a different life for myself. I wish the same for you.
You live at home and you are griping about what your parents are doing to you? Cripes man its their house.
Brother Apostate
You live at home and you are griping about what your parents are doing to you? Cripes man its their house.
I read this thread previously and thought exactly the same. Sorry, you need to take this advice: grow the f*ck up already, move out, get a steady job, and quit mooching off your parents. Sorry if that's harsh, but that's the truth, dude. BA- I have never met such an individual in my life, unless they had mental problems. PS- No harm meant, if you do.