What about the children?

by sweetone2377 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetone2377

    I feel sorry for all JW's who get sucked in by the thinking "we will love you as long as you are good enough for Jah." But, I feel worse for the children. Adults are able to decide for themselves, whether it's a religion that they want to persue. Children do not. The children are forced to go along with it, by their parents. Then what happens when they are older and find out it's not for them?? They can't just walk away and that be that. Because of the WTS's policy of shunning. Once the children decide that it's not the "truth" and they want to search elsewhere, they are shunned. They had no choices before. But now, they are accountable for this decision, to leave. Why not hold the parents accountable for forcing their children into the religion?

    Just thinking about this saddens me, esp knowing that my sisters are in this lifestyle and there's nothing they can do to avoid the shunning, but stay in.

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • Xena

    You know Sweet it is the whole lifestyle that is tough for kids..not just after they grow up and figure out they don't want it...I mean growing up a JW totally SUCKS! It is hard enough being a kid...but being a kid that is so different...that is tough. Having to explain at 5 or 6 years old why you can't eat the birthday cake, salute the flag, draw a Turkey, or that you didn't get ANYTHING for christmas..you really gotta feel for these kids! These kids don't get to know what it really feels like JUST to be a KID! No Saturday morning cartoons for them...no they gotta dress up like little adults and go out and preach to people that don't want to hear them..

    I am SO glad I got out while my daughter was young...today we are carving a Jack-O-Lantern!

    lol sorry you got me on a tangent here...sore spot for me...especially because my family tries to use my daughter to make me feel guilty for not being a JW anymore...she is going to DIE because of me...lol HELL NO...she is going to LIVE because of me!

  • sweetone2377

    xena ~ I agree! My children are not going to die because of my decisions, they are going to live, live like we never were able to. They'll get to sleep in on the weekends, they'll be able to smile when they walk into school in the mornings. They'll be able to talk about riding bikes with their friends, instead of how they can't get ppl at the doors to listen to them and their messege (when they don't have a clue as to what they're preaching anyhow). They'll be able to watch that cartoon (after all it's their favorite) even though it is a super hero cartoon (all that violence, tisk tisk). I am so glad that I got out, for me, and for my children.

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • Tatiana

    Xena, Sweetone, I so agree with you both. I hated my childhood. I had no choice whatsoever. One of my worst memories was sitting outside my classroom crying while they were having a birthday party inside.

    My kids don't have to endure that. In fact, I went to the school with 25 balloons and pizza for all the kids for my son's birthday! The look on his face was worth more than gold!

    I always go way overboard during holidays. Because I never got to have them. Every Halloween, I decorate the house to look like a dungeon, dress up like a witch or vampiress, and scare the hell out of all the kids.
    My kids will know what it's like to be normal. And not grow up with all the baggage I have. They are very well adjusted, have lots of friends, and I seriously doubt I'll have to worry about one of them committing suicide because an elder decides they need to be disfellowshipped![>:(]


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • DIM

    I'm 24 years old, and was raised a JW since I was 2 years old. I really missed out on alot of things...makes me so angry sometimes.

  • Dan B
    Dan B

    How about having to get up and walk out of school assemblies in the gymnasium when the national anthem starts? Worse yet, having to come back in and face hundreds of faces laughing at you? All this at 6 years old!

    That's gotta mess you up somehow!!


  • JBean

    I never felt that I was missing out on too much as a child. My folks were GREAT and we had lots of parties (even around holiday times, but not holiday-themed) I believe just so my bro. & I wouldn't feel like we were missing out. The one thing I DO remember at school was Valentine's day. In grade school we all had to make envelope "pockets" to put out in front of our desks. Then the class spent 2 days making valentine's cards for their friends (I of course, got dismissed to the library... I loved to read so I don't remember feeling that bad). On THE day, everyone got to put their cards in each others envelopes. I got a TON of cards in mine... but remember feeling soooo bad that I couldn't give out any cards to the kids myself. At 7 years old I remember my first real feeling of embarassment at that... I felt awful.

  • Tatiana

    Dan, I remember that also. Kids can be cruel sometimes. My sister and I attended a small school, and were the ONLY witness kids. Sitting out in the hallway was very traumatic for me. Kids would walk down the hallway, stare and laugh. There I sat in my little chair, looking like I was being punished for something.

    I felt so left out of everything. Other kids got to be picked for the Christmas play. Not me. Making decorations is part of school life, and helps you learn how to interact with people. Couldn't do that. It's hard on a child to have to be separated. Left out. Relegated to the "back" of the class, while everyone is having fun. And most of the time, not to even understand why.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • anglise

    Yes but why do loving parents stay in such a trap.

    Notice the quote from the Reasoning Book.

    pages 47-48

    What will happen to young children at Armageddon?

    The Bible does not directly answer that question, and we are not the judges. However, the Bible does show that God views the young children of true Christians as "holy." (1 Cor. 7:14) It also reveals that in times past when God destroyed the wicked he likewise destroyed their little ones. (Num. 16:27, 32; Ezek. 9:6) God does not want anyone to be destroyed, so he is having a warning sounded now to benefit both parents and children. Would it not be wise for parents to pursue a course that would result in their children being looked on with favor by God both now and at Armageddon?

    End of quote

    I am sure there are many equally warped teachings on this matter that could be bought out, this is just one small one.

    Until I found out the truth about the truth I like thousands of other parents really believed that I was doing the best for my children.

    At least we have all come out of this wicked organization together.

  • lydia

    I really hurt at times for the amout of pain I caused my children to suffer for several years while in the Org. I can only do the best I can to make their remaining years as children the best so that it will erase the pain as much as I can.
    Last year was the first Christmas for us in about 6 or 7 years..and it was huge! (we couldn't walk through the living room!!) With Lots of friends and family (the real fun!!).
    I'm fortunate that my family was not in the org. - My x 's family is though, with the exception of my x and his 2 younger sisters (who are still close with me)

    (((((((Sweettone,Tatiana, Dan, Dibs and all others who went through a Jdub childhood))))))))

    Just remember - you can create the childhood now you never had (therapy session talking here) and Let the kids have lots of fun now.
    (that means the kid in you too!)


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