Whats the address for this board?...I might join and see how long I can play brinkmanship before I'm booted. Should be fun. Hi Yada, The board is at AOL. I think it is www.messageboards.aol.com Go to spiritually, then fellowship folders, christian, then Jehovah witness. I actually ended up there by googling "jehovah witness message boards".
rantings on jw fellowship board
by gspradling 21 Replies latest jw friends
Here is another one from the same board: (I think I have read this one before.) A brother going door to door met a man who said very emphatically he was not interested. He said to the brother, "Tell it to the dog!" So the brother did. He gave the whole Sermon, read the scriptures, and presented the WT subscription, when he got through, he looked up at the man and said, "Well, the dog says yes." The man said "If the dog says yes, then I'll take it." So he placed the subscription. This was told by Brother Carrie Barber. (Gov. Body) Rejoice in the hope. Endure under tribulation. Persevere in prayer. -Romans 12:12