This is a LIFE SAVING WORK these people are doing??? I stood and watched as a group of JWs got out of the ugliest square box of a four-door car in my neighborhood, split up into two pairs and proceeded to do what I have to assume were not at homes. The two women were walking up the driveway of the home next door to me which hasnt had anyone living in it for five years and I watched just for kicks to see how long it took them to traverse the 100 feet or so to the front door. A full 4 minutes!!! They stopped, looked at a mag, went two feet, stopped, talked, stopped again and looked at a call book, stopped again.... And the other two, men, were getting out of the vehicle, rummaging in a box in the trunk, talking, casually closing the doors, pointing and deciding which way to go was for lack of a better term...PATHETIC!! If someone were in need of spiritual guidance they died before any of these people got to the door, thats for damn sure. The Witness week on Dancing with the Stars!
gawd..could they possibly walk and slower???
by LovesDubs 11 Replies latest jw friends
LOL, I remember doing that dance!! Anything to make the time go by without actually having to talk to someone!!! I hated going door to door!!
Anything to make the time go by without actually having to talk to someone!!! I hated going door to door!!
Me too, I absolutely loathed it. The excuses I used to come out with make me laugh now. I was talking to my mum the other day about this actually and she said she knew how much I hated it, she said she hated it too but of course you can never say that. I can't believe I pioneered too, 840 hours of the world's slowest shuffle. I used to walk so slowly sometimes I thought I was going backwards.
I work outdoors and see them walk slower than a turtle. They always walk close to each other,talk and waste time looking thru their service bags to get their reading material out. They always stop on the corner and wait to meet one another and waste time there.
But,do you blame them? The WTS make it mandatory to preach.So they have no choice but to get in their 2 hours and talk ,walk as slow as possible and take coffee breaks.
What amaxes me is how they sit at the train stations, conversing about who knows what, like they're at a social gathering. They may occasionally look up to see if a potential passerby might even consider the material, ( Insert Me As Passerby ) look and figure, Oh what's the point? He's not truly interested, anyway. And then they go right back to their little saur'e. All they need is tea and crumpets and the whole afternoon would be picture perfect.
Door to door was the worst, I got more beating for not ringing the bell or knocking hard enough than I care to remember. I have asthma and I would make myself cough until I had an asthma attack. It got me out of field service but it also got me in bed for a couple of days, not playing, no tv etc....
It was worth it then, but now that I think about it, could have been dangerous!!
Hi Lovesdubs!!
We used to call it the "pioneer shuffle". Uses up time #1 and you are just trying to get through another day in service #2. You have to "pace" yourself to get in the pioneer hours.
It is pathetic; I agree. Now that we find ourselves on the other side it really does make for a "wonderful witness" hey??
Peace to you,
It is called the pioneer stroll. Our pioneers were proud of the slowness of it.
Im going to use the 'pioneer shuffle phenomina' reasoning to try to show my dad that he doesnt really believe it, i mean if he really deep down believed it he'd be telling everyone he knew and met in everyday life, but because he only does what hes told to and no more he deep down is just being forced to. (didnt we all i know?, i did) even though hes a grown ass man in his 50's!
To break any chains left I remember calling my mum and telling her i smoked weed (just to have no secrets) talk about a burning your bra moment.
Its late goodnight.
The Witness week on Dancing with the Stars!
Lovesdubs - were your posts always this funny? You've made me giggle twice today. Are you taking something?