Serious question. I am confused, which doesn't take much......Where in the NT scriptures does it say what date the early Christians celebrated the Lord's Evening Meal? I can not find a date anywhere.
Jesus death and resurrection
by Sasha 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The festival of Unfermented cakes and Passover are simply interchangeable terms and this is where the confusion begins. For example: Eze 45:21 In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, ye shall have the passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten. Passover is 7 days long and is the same observance as the Festival of Unfermented bread. It was not the meat but the Unfermented bread that make up the bulk of the holy observance, the sanctified food eaten during this 7 day Passover. The Lamb, the meat is critical only for that first meal which is killed and cooked on the 14th but consumed with the Unleavend bread at sundown when the date changes to the 15th. This meal is always a Sabbath regardless of when it occures. The next afternoon is still a Sabbath and our Lord did not die on a Sabbath. His death would take place nearly a week later when they prepared the Unfermented bread from new grain. This is because the 7 week Wave harvest begins from within Passover week and ties it to Pentecost. So nearly everything you may read is flawed and will not agree with the texts. Confusion runs rampant on this subject. As a consequence of such 7 day observances it is not uncommon for two Sabbath days to occur in succession making a 48 hour Sabbath or high day. There is another example in scripture as well but I do not remember where offhand. Young's Literal translation therefore translates Sabbaths plural while others simply explain this away as Jewish practice for the first day of the week and ignore it translating in the singular. So the observance ended with a Sabbath true, but also with Sabbaths as 48hours or a high or great Sabbath was involved in that fateful year.
My beliefs tend to go with PAHPA. The Worldwide Church of God seems to me to have it correct. Saturday would have been the resurrection. I don't believe in Easter. Easter is for Choclate covered bunnies and Peeps!
Hey Terry,
Haha, I knew you would call me on that! I shall leave it to the reader to google for themselves. I was just cutting and pasting, it seems to me that jw's do not understand the Christian's Easter. At least mine doesn't at all. To me it looks like jw's mix up Jewish & Christian holiday in their heads, but then I consider them modern day Judiazers on many levels. I don't know any Christians that really give much thought to Passover, they consider it a Jewish holiday. The Easter celebration is about the death of Christ upon the Cross and His resurrection, that is Easter to the Christians I know. It is a rejoicing that 'My redeemer lives!' that Christians sing about at their services. The Christian service usually focuses on 'it is done', Christ paid the price for all there is nothing we can add, it has been paid in full.
The World Wide Church of God, Int. has an interesting theory about the death and resurrection of Jesus. It says that the prophecy said he would be dead "three days and three nights." (Matthew 12:40) (The Society has explained away this by saying that in the Hebrew idom it could mean "parts of three days.")
"WWCG,Int. lists the following:
Tuesday: Christ eats passover with disciples
Wednesday: Jesus is crucified around 3PM (Preparation day for the annual, not weekly Sabbath.
Thursday: High Sabbath, first day of unleavened bread the day after the "Day of Preparation."
Friday: High day Sabbath
Saturday: Weekly Sabbath (Jesus rises from dead near sunset)
Sunday: Women come to tomb "while it was still dark." Jesus had already risen.
What do you think? Does this theory have any credence?" -Pahpa
I grew up in the WWCG, they are a seventh day sect, and the above information is part of their doctrine to debunk mainstream christianity, Sunday worship, and easter, all in one fell swoop. Simultaneously, it reinforces their belief and teachings that Saturday is the correct day to worship. When I was a kid, I completely believed all this, and used to use the "but the bible says 3 whole days and 3 whole nights" arguement against mainstream christians who questioned or debated me on Easter. Later, I became atheist, but this teaching was still influential on me, in that I could not accept most mainstream religion because it was 'wrong', according to what I had been taught. Now? I have no idea, but I hate the WWCG just as thoroughly as most here hate the WTS, and you can take my word for it that anything they say should be taken with a grain of salt, lest you find you wallet lightened.