UN - WTS lionk hits National Press

by Trilobite 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trilobite

    Anyone see this: ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,565005,00.html

  • JanH

    Yup, Trilobite

    It was also posted in our mega-thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=10732&page=17&site=3

    Try this chickable link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0%2c3604%2c565005%2c00.html

    If you replace the comma [,] with "%2c" (no quotes), you can fool the parser on this board. Ah, I knew that old ascii/hex table would become useful again one day

    Good work from whoever notified the Guardian journalist!

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Kent

    Hmmm. I guess the braindeads will claim this journalist is a lying apostate as well.

    BTW: The story is on the Watchtower Observer as well :)

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Farkel

    Greetings Trilobtye,

    : Paul Gillies, the Witnesses' spokesman in Britain, said: "We do not have hostile attitudes to governing bodies and if we are making representations on issues to the UN we will do so."

    Do so? Do so what? Continue to make misrepresentations?

    : "There are good and bad bodies just as there are good and bad politicians. We believe what the Book of Revelation tells us but we do not actively try to change the political system."

    Absolute bullshit red-herring. The issue is not what Relelation has said, but what the WTS has DONE in view of what it believes Revelation means. They are fornicating with the "wild-beast." THAT is the issue.

    : A spokeswoman for the UN said: "I think we may not be aware of their attitude, which seems to be really strange."

    Sounds like a typical British understatement to me!


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • mommy

    A great big smooch to you! I had been away from the net for so long and went to your site yesterday to catch up, it is great looking BTW This is where I found out about the story, and then it led me over here to the mega-thread...lol

    My mom is still looking at the material, I recieved this email from her this morning~
    Hi Wendy
    I am looking into this but I must say that this is not from you. It is apostasy information that you found. Can you deny that someone else sent you to the UN website?

    Who cares, if it was an apostate who sent me there. Of course I could reply that it was the King of Apostates, and link her to the Observer! LOL it is a fact there is nor denying it. Now that a press release is out, the org will have to make a statement won't they?

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • msil


    I was asked the same thing. You know, it's quite easy to receive anonymous email about stuff like this!!

  • detective

    Are there any brave souls out there who want to drop a dime. I don't know how specific some of these are but it's worth a try. You'll note they are local to my area (except the A.P.) Unfortunately, for reasons I won't get into yet, I can't drop the dime myself. Any takers?

    The Boston Globe:

    [email protected]

    "news tip from extranet" should be your email header.

    For the Boston Herald:

    Tips or comments call
    (617) 619-6789

    The Christian Science Monitor:

    The newsroom address and phone number:
    The Christian Science Monitor
    1 Norway Street
    Boston, MA 02115
    To send a letter to the editor, email [email protected] <mailto: [email protected]>.


    International Headquarters
    50 Rockefeller Plaza
    New York, N.Y. 10020

    (Couldn't find anything more specific)

  • waiting

    Howdy Wendy,

    Good to see you're smiling face. Hope all is going well for you?

    You may have found that information on Kent's site, but it seemed to hit H20 first - and Zev was the primary one to start writing about it in length - and Zev is a Jehovah's Witness in Good Standing last I saw.

    Zev was shellshocked by what he learned because he didn't discover it in actuality - Kent and some others found it out (but I don't think it had been "explored" yet.)

    So......you can truthfully tell your mom that a JW in good standing researched this information.

    Besides........does it matter who the "whistle blower" is or the issue for the whistle in the first place? Your mom's dodging the issue, just like she was taught, as you brought out.

    Ain't moms wonderful?


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Wating,

    thanks for the post. Just a brief


    "...Zev was the primary one to start writing about it in length - and Zev is a Jehovah's Witness in Good Standing last I saw.

    Zev was shellshocked by what he learned because he didn't discover it in actuality - Kent and some others found it out (but I don't think it had been "explored" yet.)

    So......you can truthfully tell your mom that a JW in good standing researched this information."

    1- Kent posted the link

    2- I wrote the first " analysis " of the various parts
    in the United Nations web site, with many WTBS quotes
    abouth the " disgusting thing..." and the " scarlet-colored
    image of the beast " etc.

    3- Zev, wrote the first letter to the U.N., using the
    the " analysis" and the quotes. He also posted the
    informations on the H2o forum.

    4- You and I and another - 200 poster - contributed
    with porecious time and efforts and great desire
    to give quotes, links,informations and personal comments.

    As it stands today the thread has 18 pages, has been
    read over 14,000 times, with 353 official posts. If
    printed it would require more than 325 pages to contain
    everything (as it appears on the board).
    But, most important it is helping to uncover LIES, DECEIT
    and HYPOCRISY , on the part of the WTBS' organisations ,
    to millions of people worldwide.

    I wish to end with my thanks for you excellent comments,
    that I do read with great pleasure.

    All the best to you and the others,

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    P.S. I will post these comment on
    the main thread.

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • Tina

    Thanks for the link Jan!
    Thanks for the clarification Mac,I knew it didnt start on h20. There's no breaking news and info at that place anymore. hugs to all,T

    'Boycott Shampoo! Demand the real Poo!

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