Supplementary meeting: synopsis

by Moxy 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moxy

    o no, i wasnt expecting doctrinal changes. but perhaps some organzational change like the last annual meeting.

    in regards to marvin's comment about lack of insider info, i couldnt help but wonder, as i sat there bored and dismayed, why maximus had made so many comments like:

    Going to be quite a show.


    Let it be forever recorded that it was our special gal Esmerelda who first published notice of this historic four-hour meeting as fact.


    NYtelecom, you will remember the major points. Trust me.

    and here and also on an h2o thread, implying that GB org changes were forthcoming. was he being sarcastic about the importance of the meeting or just pretending to know more than he did. i dont mean to cast a pall on our good friend max. i spose im upset because i had to sit thru it. you all know that with some people speculating wildly, i wasnt expecting anything big. but even *I* was sorely dissapointed by the non-event.

    expat: yes, i recall you mentioned international conventions (among other things ) and youll recall i replied that they were due to be held in 2003. i spose it wasnt 'official' until now.


  • Patriot

    I believe that they had originally intended to announce "something" but pulled the plug at the last minute because they now see that their situation is hopeless.

    Too many know the truth and too many know too much damning information.

    They also know that no matter how much security they try to have an "apostate" will get in and inform the rest.

    The cost of holding these meetings at large stadiums and colisseums are very high to just give a few talks and a watchtower summary.

    Just my thoughts.


  • LDH
    I can't believe that the GB dragged thousands of people miles and miles, causing them hassle and expense, for NOTHING!

    SNORT! ha ha, what's even better is that all those tricked into attendance will have to find a way to convince themselves that this meeting was a 'precious gem' from Jehovah!

    Do any ever leave saying, "This was the biggest waste of my weekend since the LAST circuit assembly?

    ha ha, the power of one's brain to rationalize the irrational!


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Just like so many of us, I think our friend Max was hearing the “change” and “new” words from the upper decks of planet WTS. This makes people think out loud.

    Also, it could be that recent events caused some last minute quite retraction of material. Who knows? No one is talking. Not to forget is the fact that ex-JWs and--cough, cough--disloyal JWs were the ones who initially leaked the fact of this “special” meeting. This was an embarrassment in itself, and alone might have made that celebrated body called Governing to rethink any big announcements.

    Talking about events, has anyone here heard the genuine news about items elders have been instructed to bring to this year’s KM school for elders? Only three reference works. 1) The ks91 textbook (“Flock book”), 2) the June 15, 2000 Watchtower and 3) the October 15, 2000 Watchtower. This should be interesting, folks!

  • outcast

    View of the meeting from another planet.

    WOL Crawler
    posted 10-08-2001 10:40 AM
    Whew! Jehovah is indeed "Our Grand Instructor"!
    There were many wonderful things fed us from the supplementary meeting. One of the high points was the 2002 Year Text:
    "Come to Me and I Will Refresh You!" - Matthew 11:28

    Bro. Vanderbal (sp) mentioned verses 29-30 helping us to appreciate that this is an invitation to "Get Under the Yoke w/Me" from Jesus and he pointed to the fact that our refreshment comes with adopting the pattern of Jesus by follow His activity! Preach and Teach Now!!!!!!

    He suggested we compose a written list of requirement statements of Jesus and study 1 or 2 daily. The requirements are listed in Matthew 5-7, Luke 6. He recommend we study and meditate over the information because our being disciples means we become what is mentioned in Matt 11:29 - a Learner! and by so becoming we should always be spiritually refreshing when with others.

    He mentioned that future WT's will provide some aid to us in benefiting and composing list regardings Jesus statements.

    The Talk "Courageously Trusting in Jehovah During These Critical Times!"
    was faith strengthening.

    Helped us to consider that just as a Trapeze Team must be able to trust each other, we too must have not just "Trust - assured reliance; explicit confidence in someone", BUT - Courageous Trust - even in the face of danger or difficult circumstance

    He referred us to 2 Tim 3:12 - as Persecution WILL come (is occuring now) but will we obey Prov 3:5,6? Not lean on self! Do we accept the realization of Deut 32:4?

    We were given fine courageous examples of Noah, Moses, David and Jesus. We discussed the difficulties that faced them - Wicked angels, Fellars, Haughty Pharoah, magic-practicing priest, Goliath's mammoth frame of 9 1/2 feet, coat of mail 126 lbs, blade of spear 15 lbs. yet they each had and showed full trust in Jehovah and were victorious. So can we be!

    Of Jesus he mentioned HIS full trust in allowing Jehovah to transfer his life to Mary and to protect him in the womb and through infancy to adulthood and then to pour out his soul to death and trust Jehovah would restore it. So just as it was critical for them to trust fully in Jehovah, so must we today.

    How do we know Jehovah's worthy of our trust? He listed 3 things:
    1. Creation w/ its varieties (ex: 7,500 apples exist) our very tastebuds are prove of His love.
    2. Ransom & Resurrection of Jesu - Rom 5:8
    3. Bountiful Spiritual food.

    One other POWERFUL point was that we have 2 ways to get to the New World if we're faithful.
    Overland or Underground

    Whichever route occurs our faithfulness will be rewarded.

    Thus we have reasons to be "Courageously Trusting In Jehovah During These Critial Times!"

    [ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Tadira ]


  • nytelecom1
    One other POWERFUL point was that we have 2 ways to get to the New World if we're faithful.
    Overland or Underground

    Whichever route occurs our faithfulness will be rewarded.

    WTF?!!...can i be a mole person?

  • Escargot

    Thanks for the well written reporting. You had me going.....No news is JW news!!!

    Erasmus (1520 AD): "If we want truth, every person ought to be free to speak what they think without fear."

  • Esmeralda

    but...but...but!!! Am I the only one who didn't know that the society has now incorporated each Kingdom Hall seperately? I think that says a lot, because it sure provides for legal damage control.

    I don't get why no one seems to think this is news. It was to my (inactive) JW Dad...and to me. If this isn't news, when did they do it previously and when was it announced?

    I'm confused, but what else is new?

  • waiting

    LOL. This is so lame:

    One other POWERFUL point was that we have 2 ways to get to the New World if we're faithful.
    Overland or Underground

    Like that wasn't an obvious statement to the "faithful" get there dead or alive. Duh..........

    To have so many thousands of families give up time and money to attend a meeting which could have been held in all local KH's is totally self-centered.

    A congregation picnic with softball would have done more good for morale.....but I doubt that was the real reason for the meetings - seems it was to impart yet another message of impending doom "right around the corner."

    Thanks, moxy, for sharing your thoughts on the Meeting of Nothingness.


  • comment


    Let me take a guess. At the KM school, they're going to turn in their old Pay Attention books and exchange them for the new edition and there's going to be a discussion of the implications of the changes in the blood policy, which the June 15, 2000 Watchtower snuck in quietly.

    What was in the Oct. 15, 2000 WT that would make it worth discussing? I don't think I have that issue.


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