I love the show! I am watching reruns on A&E because I don't have HBO so it is all new to me. The opening song is great. I copied it from a UK station. Hearing it played all the way through is awesome. I think it may be available on YouTube also.
Is Anyone Looking Forward To The Sopranos Coming Back???
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
SOPRANOS opening theme: http://youtube.com/watch?v=NUT07eZoXPw
SOPRANOS: a wacked out refresher -- get ready for Sunday -
I will be there on Sunday!
(the way they managed the seasons sucks a big green one)
One of the best but we Brits will have to wait and we (as in me and mine) always wait longer and get the box set..........pure indulgence......I cant wait
So....what didya think of the new seasons's first episode??
I liked it.
Who are you?
So....what didya think of the new seasons's first episode??
Under the Boardwalk....
Sunday is the last episode!!! Don't miss it!
What's your prediction for the ending????
What's your prediction for the ending????
Paulie will be sent to wack Tony, but Tony has him figured out already, and will kill Paulie...leaving things open for a movie where there's a big showdown between NY & NJ. I can go on about what I think a movie will bring! LOL
Oh man!!! I was wondering if anybody here was addicted like I am!!!
I have been reading the board at HBO on and off this whole week with the predictions...some are pretty darn good.
There has to be some big twist with Tony I think...Chase always seems to pull something out of the hat that you don't expect.
I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This occurred to me the other evening: remember at the beginning of season 6 when Uncle Junior shot Tony? While Tony was in the coma, he dreamed he was an ordinary schlub named (I think) Kevin Finnerty. I think maybe it's Finnerty who's in the coma and he's spent the last several years dreaming that he's a mob boss.
Sort of a variation on the Newhart theme...
Lonelysheep's prediction seems the most logical so it must not be "Chase" worthy. That's too predictable. But I like it!!!