Hey There ! All You Disfellowshipped Ones!

by Englishman 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Is your anger with the JW religion due mainly to the fact that you have been DF'd?

    Is it possible that persons who post here who are not disfellowshipped can feel as angry as those who are being shunned and who are therefore being effectively gagged?

    Is the DF'ing policy of the WTBTS the main reason that ex-JW's seem to go all out to get other witnesses out of the org? Would you try to get someone to leave if you had the opportunity?

    If you had been allowed to quietly cease associating without penalty, how would you then feel then about the JW faith?

    Just wondering exactly what it is that makes so many of us so mad at the WTBTS.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • MrMoe

    I am not disfellowshiped -- I am reinstated as of 1998. But it was the dfing policy that made me stop and wonder BIG TIME. I was deemed as unrepentant - judged for my heart condition when I WAS repentant- I confessed yet I was told I needed to be an example and my swollen belly wouldn't go unnoticed - bring a blemish to the congregation. Pregnancy is not an easy thing to hide I guess - things would have been different if I hadn't gotten "knocked-up".

    Being df'd made me deeply concerned on the true intent of the "elder arrangement" and their being appointed by holy spirit. I am not mad at the WTBS per say - I think they are just as blind as we are - at least most of them. Look at Ray Franz - he didn't know for years. It's a true case of the blind leading the blind, if you ask me.

  • lydia

    Wow! what loaded questions!
    Okay, I was not D'fd..I left and if I had the chance to get those who I came to care about out - I'd do it in a heart beat!! It does make me angry that those who are to e your "Brothers & Sisters" no will no longer associate with me or acknoledge my existance. Thankfully I have moved away from the area that I was very active in.
    As for why I feel that I'm angry at the society - I think its the combination of a lot of things...
    1. the practice of shunning
    2. the false sense of brotherhood
    3. the cult like way of secrecy
    4. mind control and opression of those in the org ( ie. the feeling of not being worth anything)
    5. treatment of the children and pain caused to them due to the practices
    6. double standards ( elders can do this you can't)
    7. lack of real help from the "elders and shepperds of the flock"
    8 supressiion of free thinking amoung the congregation

    this is just a start, I could go on and on.


  • JBean

    Hi! I'm not df'd either... still "in"... but I AM angry because the borg : ) makes you and everyone else afraid to even TALK about anything they don't deem appropriate! As soon as I even slightly mention something to any family members... they get all anxious and start talking about "getting help in the form of the elders". Yuk!

  • LDH

    Mr Moe,

    I was deemed as unrepentant - judged for my heart condition when I WAS repentant- I confessed yet I was told I needed to be an example and my swollen belly wouldn't go unnoticed - bring a blemish to the congregation. Pregnancy is not an easy thing to hide I guess - things would have been different if I hadn't gotten "knocked-up".

    You and I must've had the same group of incompetent assholes.

    When I was told of the decision to df me, I asked about other young sisters who had made a practice of beeing loose, I was told the 'hadn't shamed Jehovah's congregation.'

    I reminded them, that getting 'pregnant' wasn't the 'sin,' the 'sin' was immorality.

    They've gotcha coming and going. Use birth control and you're punished for 'planning ahead such vile practice.' Don't use birth control, happen to get pregnant, and you're punished for 'shaming Jehovah's congregation.'

    What the hell was I thinking, not missing a meeting? I got reinstated after 4 months, and I tried like hell to make it like it was before, but, alas, poor Horatio......

    EMan, I'm with Mr. Moe on this one.

  • Escargot

    I DA myself. I got some friends inside who deserve better.....

    Erasmus (1520 AD): "If we want truth, every person ought to be free to speak what they think without fear."

  • Mulan

    I am not disfellowshipped, and I am mightily angry with the WTS. The top reason, is the way my cousin Sharon, developed cancer right after she was disfellowshipped, and she died in 2 years, without the support of her lifetime network of friends, and even her mother wouldn't associate with her until this summer, when she learned Sharon was REALLY going to die, and she REALLY was NOT going to come back to the borg.

    Also I am angry because of the injustice I see done to all of my new friends, like Venice and her parents, and because of the silentlambs issue, and the suicide of Makena and Sabine's daughter!! I would like to get over it, but it isn't happening. So many wrongs will NEVER, ever make it right in my mind.

    Sometimes I feel like maybe I will be able to move on after my mother is no longer alive. But I think the anger will always be there. Sharon's memory will haunt me the rest of my life. At least her husband was with her, I was there, and my family, and her sons and their wives. And the new friends. But, there were so many she never heard from. It is DISGUSTING!!

    A religion like that deserves to be destroyed.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "Those who know, don't say, and those who say, don't know."

  • WildHorses

    Mr Moe

    It's funny how they speak out of both sides of their mouths isn't it?

    They tell you that one must show a repentant attitude, when in fact all they are worried about is weather anymoe else knows about the deed.

    That is what they seemed to be worried about in my case anyway the time I was reprimanded. Once I told them that no one knew, It was ok.
    Can't let the jw religion have a bad rep ya know.


  • garybuss

    Maybe the criticism offered is not in a spirit of anger but outrage. The product of a high control group like the Watch Tower Corporation is division and loss. It’s victims are left in a grief cycle. Denial, bargaining, anger, sadness, and finally acceptance.

    With acceptance comes a degree of indifference and with indifference comes a sense of freedom to move on to other things.

    A rational person seeks justice or the perception of justice. Conflict with a closed hierarchy system results in frustration. That frustration, to an insider looks like anger. A rational person seeks objectivity and objective, rational thought is discouraged in a closed system. The rational person is seen as weak for not believing. The rational person is seen as sinful for not accepting based on blind faith.

    Yet the true believer would not think of going to a medical doctor who relied strictly on blind faith in his methods for her own treatment. The true believer requires a strictly pragmatic approach to every other area in her life. She will not buy food from a grocer who blindly believes his food to be fresh. He is required to demonstrate. She will not go to a dentist who has no credentials at all but truly believes he is capable. She can immediately dismiss him as a fraud.

    This true believer lives in a capsule. All not inside the capsule is suspect and strange looking, flawed without test. Thinkers are feared. All criticism is seen as anger. All critics are seen as the enemy.

  • radar


    I get annoyed when I think of the betrayal of my faith, the time the devotion, the sacrifices I and my familly made, and all for what?
    A multi million dollar printing corperation!
    The reward? Everyone you ever associted with being told to shun you.


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