I am off to boots shortly for some banana boat action! THANKS FOR THE TAT TIPS.
Another Tattoo Thread-To ink or not to ink - that was the question
by Crumpet 59 Replies latest jw friends
Ya got me off my arse to get the ball rolling on my next tat
I am most tempted to go and get another done today
Crumpet dear!
Wait a while! At least give your first tattoo an oppurtunity to heal before you go get tattooed again! Trust me, I get tattooed once a week, and my body is in constant shock trying to heal itself. It sucks.
Is it possible I am being asked to calm down on the tattoo front by a mere whippersnapper half my age! LOL! I will wait Richie, tempted as I am.
I went and bought some of that aloe vera gel from boots and keep rubbing it in - any excuse. Its not really scabbed as I expected it would - in fact it seems that some areas of the petals must have come away before I even noticed the scabbing. At this rate it will be completely healed in maybe 2 days. Although I will keep an eye on it.
All your advice is invaluable!
Very cool tat! Congratulations! :)
I agree with Richie on his assessment...when you were describing the first tattoo place you walked into I was cringing inside...so glad you found the other place. :)
and...we told you...they are addictive. ;)
I use AD ointment for my tats...the guys at the shop swear by it and use it while tattooing. Nothing with petroleum base from what i've been told should be used since it can pull up the ink.
Nothing with petroleum base from what i've been told should be used since it can pull up the ink.
WHAT! really - I've been using it to cover everytime I had a shower - which is what I thought the tattooist told me but his English was a little accented and maybe he said DONT use vaseline. oh dear!
Is it possible I am being asked to calm down on the tattoo front by a mere whippersnapper half my age! LOL! I will wait Richie, tempted as I
I'm not saying to calm down, I'm just saying to give your moment a chance to heal... you know the skin is the first line of defense against sicknesses, so the more you damage the skin (tattoo it) the easier you succumb to illness. I'm not trying to say you'll catch bronchitis, but you'll have increased chances of little sniffles and the like.
So cute! I like it!
Satans little helper
Crumpet, don't stress about using vaseline; it's absolutely fine. Check out this link - http://tat2me.com/2006/11/14/tattoo-healing/
I'm glad the aloe vera gel is working, it really cools the skin. If you have a tatt that covers alot of space, as it heals you tend to get alot of heat and it becomes very itchy, I find that the aloe gel works well to relieve this.