My late husband's mother, was bi-polar and was treated with lithium for more then 40 years- she was carefully monitored via blood tests every couple of months. It proved to be a miracle drug for her, IMO, stabalizing wild mood swings. Interestingly, she was DF-d for smoking in the mid-70's and continued to smoke until her death - And, of course, totally shunnned by witnesses and her own daughter. Now, learning that tobacco, has the highest level of lithium in tobacco leaves - one has to question if smoking, indeed was a big therapeutic help to her also? I recall that during one of her many hospitalizations, before lithium was prescribed, her daughter, asserted to Larc, how do we explain 'demon' influence to her doctors. Believing that mental illness was a direct cause of demon influence! I remember Larc once telling her later, once their mother was stabalized with lithium. Okay, XXXX, I guess that means, the "demons" are 'allergic' to lithium.!
by spoils_useful_habits 21 Replies latest jw friends
my daughter is bi-polar (and may I add very smart) Right now she is on nothing but has taken lithium in the past and did well with it.
Her choice is Diazapam as well. Of all the dealings with my five children this has been the most disorder and the medication.
It is notable that JW related topics set him off. I understand that this is not a symptom of bipolar, where mood swings are more random. I'd suggest you to mention his Dr. to consider and evaluate him for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well, specially if he felt unsafe & threatened at some point.
All the best,
Bi-polar is the easiest of the chronic mental illnesses to treat. If it is indeed a correct diagnosis, the Lithium will almost immediately give him relief. The side effects are well known and treatable. He will have to go for regular blood tests to make sure that Lithium does not build to toxic levels in his blood. (I've seen my mom under-medicated and over-medicated. Neither is fun.)
Lithium is very effective for bipolar disorder. I was prescribed it for a short while after a short manic episode. (Unreasonably optimistic, no need for sleep, no need to eat.)
But it was just a spike in what is chronic dysthymia.(low mood) so just be sure the psychiatrist has got the right diagnosis.
BTW wozadummys smiley sequence cracked me up!! -
Bi-polar is the easiest of the chronic mental illnesses to treat.
That's debateable...
However... I must say this... I have dealt with BiPolar and BiPolar2 (they're different and type 2 is less dramatic, but more dangerous)...with several sufferers and have done extensive research and I found one thing that is OFTEN overlooked...
Most General Practicioners MIS-PRESCRIBE the meds for both. They OFTEN prescrip anti-depressants (ie. Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Effexor, Celexa etc...) THESE RARELY WORK and will EXACERBATE your symptoms by magnitude... (and can hasten and magnify suicidal tendencies)!!!
You need to see a Psychiatrist or a Specialist... or you could really be doing yourself a disservice!
The medicines used for BiPolar and BiPolar2 are different... aren't familiar to most ordinary MD's.
Lithium saved my life.
I ended up with a brian injury in 1991. It two years to back to normal and the lithium prescrible because I was trying to hurt myself. The doc said I was tired of hurting emotionally.
I would take it again.
Bi-polar is the easiest of the chronic mental illnesses to treat.
That's debateable...
However... I must say this... I have dealt with BiPolar and BiPolar2 (they're different and type 2 is less dramatic, but more dangerous)...with several sufferers and have done extensive research and I found one thing that is OFTEN overlooked...
Most General Practicioners MIS-PRESCRIBE the meds for both. They OFTEN prescrip anti-depressants (ie. Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Effexor, Celexa etc...) THESE RARELY WORK and will EXACERBATE your symptoms by magnitude... (and can hasten and magnify suicidal tendencies)!!!
You need to see a Psychiatrist or a Specialist... or you could really be doing yourself a disservice!
The medicines used for BiPolar and BiPolar2 are different... aren't familiar to most ordinary MD's.
DItto, 100%. Bipolar disorder is NOT the easiest to treat; neither is any other mental disorder. They are extremely complex and are as variable as each individual person. P&C also hit the nail on the head about how there are vast differences between bipolar type I and type II. The medications for these types are definitely different. Lithium is generally used for bipolar type I.
What's the difference between type I and II? Well, type I sufferers generally have fewer upswing and downswings, but they can last much longer than the mood swings of a type II person. A type I can be in a depressive state for months, followed by a "normal" period for months, then maybe a manic stage for months. A type II person's mood swings are much more erratic, having lots of ups and downs, sometimes just in a few hours' time. However, the swings may be triggered much more easily, and the person may come across as very angry or irritable at the drop of a hat.
How do I know? Besides that I'm a nurse, I also have lived with someone for 13 1/2 years who has bipolar type II (LDB). It has been very difficult to find the right medication for him that doesn't have side effects that are worse than the disorder. That's why I can't stress enough the importance of seeing a psychiatrist for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Not a psychologist, not a family doctor. Nothing against them, but they don't have the extensive experience in treating psychiatric disorders as psychiatrists do.
By the way, Little Drummer Boy is incredibly intelligent. He recently got his college diploma; graduated SUMMA CUM LAUDE with a 4.0 GPA. (Can't help myself-have to brag on him 'cause he doesn't give himself enough credit.)
Little Drummer Boy
Thanks for the props on my gigantical brain, wifey. I was tryin' not to let anybody know. heh
(btw, she exagerates my intelligence )
Just want to throw in here that Depakote ER is what I take (I have been on it for several years) to treat my bipolar type II. I spent years going to the regular doctor and being misdiagnosed as having depression. I was treated with oodles of different meds. Some helped a little, some....not so much. One had me waxing the truck at 4:00 in the morning. Others enhanced the suicidal tendencies.
When I finally was refered to a shrink, he correctly diagnosed me within a half an hour, put me on depakote, and within 3 days I felt fine.
My advice: Anybody with a mental ilness should see a psychiatrist for proper diagnosis.
Good luck
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the comments. I feel better already. I know that it will be a long road ahead, but I'm determined to help my bro as much as possible and the first step is knowledge. I've perused a couple of the links posted and they are very informational. I'm also going to suggest to the Dr. about what was mentioned about PTSD. Thanks again.