Are the JW's the only Christian religion that doesn't celebrate Christ's resurrection?
This puts them on the same side as unbelievers, who also don't celebrate Christ's resurrection.
by JH 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Are the JW's the only Christian religion that doesn't celebrate Christ's resurrection?
This puts them on the same side as unbelievers, who also don't celebrate Christ's resurrection.
For 2000 years Christians have believed in the resurrection of Christ and his second coming. In my book that's:
Christians 0
Atheists 1
The way they perceive their relationship with Jesus is a very strange one a few dubs believe they are part of His church though surprise surprise they hardly ever talk about the church as if to them it is a totally alien concept. But most dubs do not even believe that they belong to Christ but rather to jehovah and they have a very weak almost non existent relation with him and basically ignore events like the resurrection. Believing in him is not in their heart.
Let’s be fair. JWs do believe in the resurrection of Christ. Also Jesus’ command was to memorialize his death, which replaced the Jewish Passover celebration. It's OK to slam em for things they don't have a leg to stand on but let's not stoop down to their level.
So, they do celebrate his resurrection.....I didn't know that..
Thanks Fairmind
How do the r & f celebrate or even acknowledge His resurrection? do you consider the reject Jesus memorial as celebrating His resurrection?
We should not confuse celebrating Easter with celebrating Christ's death and resurrection. There are a number of Christian religions who do not observe Easter with its pagan traditions....but do celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ.
Carla brings up an important point, though. The majority of JWs do not partake of the emblems and, thereby are denied sharing in the symbolic "body and blood" of Christ. This is by far the more serious infraction of Christian worship.
Fairmind said:
Let’s be fair. JWs do believe in the resurrection of Christ.
I'm not sure if you noticed, but the question was: Are the JW's the only ones not to celebrate Christ's resurrection?
What would be your answer to that?
After all without the resurrection there is nothing to celebrate.
Maybe it was just me, but I thought that they only celebrated Christ's death. Any idea of celebrating his resurrection was always tied to Easter. They always stressed that his death was what was important, the resurrection was just a necessary part of the plan. Never quite felt right becaused I always felt they were leaving the best part out. As someone mentioned, you don't need to get into any paganism to celbrate the resurrection.
The resurrection was all about the gift of life and the Memorial was all about Christ's death for us. I don't really see why they wanted to separate the two things. Just the fact that I capitalized the word Memorial and not resurrection shows me which one they celebrated.
For JW's it certainly is appropriate that after celebrating the rejection of Christ at the Lord's Supper by disobediently refusing the wine and the unleavened bread, that the ressurection is simply ignored three days later.