by Gill 21 Replies latest jw friends
Very Good, LT!
Did 'they' ever accuse you of being 'bitter'? I'd love to have heard your response if 'they' did!
Nathan Natas
Hats off to Leslie's brilliant reply!
Thanks Nathan I do really believe we all have a choice of how we respond. Life is 20% of what happens to us, and 80% of how we react to what happens to us. Most of the time we switch it around.
The word 'BITTER' used by them in that context makes them feel 'BETTER' but deep down they are fearful you are right about the WTS.
Hi Gill! Maybe you ought to tell your parents that you yourself are not bitter but that you still have a bitter taste left in your mouth after drinking for so long the 'spiritual' waters offered by the WTS. Let's just hope you won't be among those described below!
"And the name of the star is called Wormwood. And a third of the waters turned into wormwood, and many of the men died from the waters, because these had been made bitter." - Revelation 7:11 (NWT)
It does annoy me. But if I let it show, they just think they've struck a nerve of something. They take that as a sign that they are right and we really do "know" that they are "just right." I'm working on learning to shrug this crap off and to avoid asking for their approval. It just reinforces their particular form of craziness.
IssacJS2 - You're right. It is annoying though because it's a bit like letting someone hit you in the face and then just not protecting yourself or retaliating in any way....they get accustomed to it and enjoy it....and believe they have 'got you'. Very irritating.
There are a relatively few stages of 'recovery," and not that I've been through all of them, by any means!
The ones I've been through (in no particular order): Anger, bitterness, resentment, more anger, frustration, vengeance, more anger, frustration, bitterness.
I guess it's like lancing a boil.
My folks are going through the same (at least my Mom is), but sometimes the boil is just so old, and so deep, that all you're left with is a welt?
So, how do you fell when dubbies hurl the word 'Bitter' at you? Does it still annoy you or does it amuse you as a mark of the strength of mind control on your former friends and family? Did you used to accuse apostates of being 'bitter'?
I know at one time when I was a JW I used to think of apostates as being bitter and disillusioned. By the time I had worked out my own disillusionment the bitterness had left and I would have to say it is rather amusing when ever I hear a JW use that term. I do understand why having been there done that. I guess I could only offer one reply to any JW.......never say never.