religion sells hope

by Omegaman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Omegaman

    GaryBuss don't have a problem with hope or even religion for that matter, what I think is really wrong is enforcement of the hope with social sanctions. In my book, hope quits being hope when it becomes law.

    Also - the Org makes Billions$$$ on giving a hope that they never have to deliver ...sounds like a good gig for them

  • bigmouth

    The 'hope' for many Witnesses is like rubber band that has stretched taut.

    What do you do when you find that the hope is unfounded?

    Is it any wonder that those who have had their hope taken away commit suicide? Ask a DF'd person who has struggled to get re-instated.

    Just some thoughts.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hi omegaman!

    marx was right about a lot of things.

    and like any business, religion fills a niche. it sells hope because people are still willing to buy it from them instead of producing it themselves for themselves. people say that humans need hope, therefore religion is a must. but that is what i like to call a non sequitur. hope doesn't come from on high. it may be frightening, but hope comes from right inside.

    lazy, apathetic homo sapiens! ha ha, LOL!


  • Carmel

    Historically religions have focused on "personal salvation" especially Christianity. One can see clearly that Islam went beyond that and focused more on interrelationships, collective affairs, etc. The religion of my chosing goes further by emphasizing the reciprical relationship between the individual and society. Neither can progress without affecting the other. For society to advance, the individuals therein must adhere to new standards of ethics and widen their sence of "belonging" so that all humanity is seen as one family. No longer is the old paradigm of "saved vs damned" usefull or appropriate. So for me there is no "hope" unless my community and the whole world shares in a collective "salvation", but I do have complete certitude that eventually humanity will make the right choices, (most likely only after exhausting everything else) and the issues facing mankind will be addressed if for no other reason but to avoid pain. Is that "hope" or wistful thinking? In any case it doesn't end in continuous bliss, no, just the awareness that I am part of a process with which I can choose to be a part of or not. So I think religions of the past and certainly some sects and cults did and do dwell on the "candy" of false promises and vain imaginations, but that diet is without nutrition and results in bewilderment and resentment. That's not the case with ALL religions though. carmel

  • heathen

    Religion just gives people some common ground and a social network while yet mostly a pyramid structure in financing . They like to sell you hope not just offer it . The bible in itself gives hope as an explanation of where we came from and where we are going but people always distort the message for personal gain or possitions of power , that's why I don't like religion . A religious heirarchy tends to inhibit free expression or individaulity . I like the scripture in the bible that says ,"trust not in mortal man ,to whom salvation does not belong".

  • nvrgnbk

    IT is here. BE here.

    IT is now. BE now.

  • jaguarbass

    Now one day after sometime, I am told by someone that “ you very likely will not every get that prize” ..How would I feel?

  • jaguarbass

    Now one day after sometime, I am told by someone that “ you very likely will not every get that prize” ..How would I feel?

    I would say you felt like you were over in Egypt on the Nile river.

    Or is that in denile.

    Sorry about the double post. Pilot error.

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