I would only start my time when I would first talk to someone at the door...........but I always padded my time 2-3 hours a month.......
Towards the end I would want to go door to door alone............I didn't ring the doors bells.
by Xena 44 Replies latest jw friends
I would only start my time when I would first talk to someone at the door...........but I always padded my time 2-3 hours a month.......
Towards the end I would want to go door to door alone............I didn't ring the doors bells.
I would ask myself: "What elso would/could I be doing now?" If it didn't fit into this category, I counted my time. I felt like a beaten horse if I were to be so exacting, like my time in this life wasn't worth anything. I had already spent 5-7 hours on meetings, plus getting ready for meetings, work, the house...the most exhausting religion in the world now wants me to feel guilty about how I counted my time. Exasperating.
JWs are told to stop "debating" when they discover the individual is an "apostate."
*** w06 1/15 p. 23 par. 13 Do Not Allow Place for the Devil ***
Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read their literature, or examine their Web sites on the Internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so.
*** w93 8/1 p. 17 par. 10 Let No One Spoil Your Useful Habits ***
Some commercial firms enable subscribers using a computer and a telephone to send a message to electronic bulletin boards; a person can thus post on the bulletin board a message that is open to all subscribers. This has led to so-called electronic debates on religious matters. A Christian might be drawn into such debates and may spend many hours with an apostate thinker who may have been disfellowshipped from the congregation. The direction at 2 John 9-11 underscores Paul’s fatherly counsel about avoiding bad associations.
*** w04 2/15 p. 17 par. 9 Guard Against Deception ***
How can we guard against being deceived by apostates? By heeding the advice from God’s Word, which says: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them." (Romans 16:17) We "avoid them" by steering clear of their reasonings—whether in person, in printed form, or on the Internet.
We had a huge territory too, and we lived out in the country (no laundromats or other places to "start" time, and I couldn't very well talk to the same people down the road *every* time I left for service!). If I was giving others a ride who lived in our general vicinity it could easily be over an hour before we even got to the hall for the service meeting, and then another hour to hour and a half back home after.
I tried and tried to get some "official" word about how one could count time but there was none. The basic idea you got from most COs, elders, etc was 'don't ask' and do what your conscience allows. I know damned good and well that there were days when we went out with a group that a pioneer or aux (for the longest time we only had 1 pio and 1 reg aux in the cong) would count 8 hours and some 'regular publishers' with more sensitive consciences only counted one or two...*for the same time*. Honestly, though, it would be completely impossible to 'make' hours under the circumstances of that territory if you weren't generous about what counted
I started from the first door until the last, but only took off minimal time for breaks. In retrospect I was dumb!
We had a large territory, and so I would "start my time" on a door before travelling maybe 30-60mins, and do the same on the return trip. At least that way I got to count most of the travelling time. I think there was a push by one of the COs, at one point, to have us only count half of the travelling time, but that fell on deaf ears.
We were told we could start our time on the way to the Hall, either by phone, door, or leaving an item. Then end it when we returned to the hall. WE took breaks all the time...
At one point, during my 13 yrs. as a JW, they implemented a new PO rule that the "Same" person would get out of the car at every house until that "Said" person actually spoke to a householder..!! After that, the next person would begin the same routine.
We worked rural most of the time.. and it gets really cold here.
The whole concept was "Insane" to say the least. This only lasted a couple months.. people just stopped showing up.
It has been a long, long time since I have been involved in this crap, but reading this thread - sheesh! I had no idea that counting time had so many variations. I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering the pharisitical nature of this religion. Given that Jehovah's Witnesses honestly believe, at least the devout do, that EVERYTHING they do is a witness for Jehovah, I would suggest counting all time, every day. If anybody reading this still turns in time slips, turn in 720 hours for April. Only if you consider yourself to be a true minister of Jehovah though.
Started when I left the kh...ended when I left the territory...can't remember there ever being a disscusion of when to start, stop fs time...very seldom was with a group that took breaks...idea being get that 3 to 4 hours done and go home...
Back then, in our kh, Satuarday was for magazines...Sunday was book day...I never, ever did fs at assemblies...remember a time when we did mid week fs on Wednesday evenings...usually bc's only...
From the time we got OUT of the car to begin witnessing until the time we drove back to the hall, less break time. Lady named BD NEVER went on break. I hated getting stuck with her. She was a miserable person, in my 13 yo memory. Then again, poor thing, she probably WAS a miserable person. She was a pioneer and (classically) did p/t housekeeping and lived in a mobile home, I think. Her car was held together by hope.
I hope she escaped eventually, but I kind of doubt it. She is probably scaring off youngsters as we speak.
Once the service meeting ended.
WWJR? lol