Does anyone know anything about investigations of the JW's by the FBI or by other federal agencies? I'm especially interested in any investigations by J. Edgar Hoover. Have there been any FOIA requests done of the FBI about investigations of the JW's or their leader(s)?
The FBI and the JW's
by kwr 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Kwr, that's new to me. Hope it is true. Please post if you find out anything.
It wouldn't suprise me if there were. Hoover investigated and had files on so many people during his tenure. In fact that was the key to his power and length of time in office. No president dared to get rid of him and the only one apparently prepared to do so (Nixon) was thwarted by Hoover's death. Makes one wonder if that was deliberate on Hoover's part.
tHEY DID SUPPOSELY keep a file on anconscienious objector in 1949
Deputy Dog
I don't know about the FBI but, many Law enforcement officials ears perk up, when you talk to them about Theocratic warfare strategy (lying in court).
I seriously doubt that ongoing FBI investigations would be available to the public. I agree with Jringe01 that J. Edgar Hoover would have been most likely to have a file or two on the Watchtower Society. But, I don't think that Hoover would have found anything particularly interesting.
Personally, I seriously doubt that there is anything for the FBI to investigate. It is highly unlikely that the Watchtower Society is involved in any illegal activities here in the U.S. Pedophile policies are probably the only area in which law enforcement would show interest. Even in this area, is doesn't appear that the Watchtower Society has broken the law.
many Law enforcement officials ears perk up, when you talk to them about Theocratic warfare strategy (lying in court).
I'm sure they do but I don't think it's quite a shock because it's done all the time in politics, business etc. You never let on more than you have to. It's simple "political expediency" so to speak.
A file on CO's in 1949? The Korean war didn't start till 1950 and WW2 was over for 4 years. They must have had files from before/during the war. I would suspect that Hoover would have them investigated if for no other reason than they were accused of treason during the first war. He was in the Justice Dept during that time, it's even possible he heard of the case.
IT did say on anoher website the FBI has 20,000 iles on jws(the website was an worldconspiracy site!)
I bet the FBI does keep a file on the WTBTS.
- The Sedition charges/convictions in 1919 are enough to red flag any group
- International dealings,,travel of principle officers and agents of the group
- Hoover would have been watching any rapid growth counter culture group in the 60's
You'd be suprised who the FBI has kept files on.
IT did say on anoher website the FBI has 20,000 iles on jws(the website was an worldconspiracy site!)
Yeah for that reason I'd prefer to get the answer straight from the horses mouth. Does it cost $ to file a Freedom of Information request?