How stunningly gorgeous is this?!!

by Crumpet 26 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Crumpet

    Since I moved here in February I have been lovely tending to my friend Hisbiscus. Its gone from pruned stems to growing buds to finally flowering. This morning when I woke up I was excited to see how the petals had lengthened and seemed about to open - but I had no idea how far.

    What a fantastically beautiful gift for Easter Sunday morning - it reminds me of the bloom I acquired recently on my hip.

    Its not exactly slow mo photography but these are the pics I took at half hourly intervals as I watched it open! There are two more smaller blossoms behind it - I give them a day or two.

  • Confession

    Hey Crumpet!

    I have Hibiscuses (Hibisci?) too. Never having actually owned a home until about seven months ago, when I bought mine here in Arizona, it left me responsible for the backyard landscaping. I know precious little about it, so worked with a local company to design it around my pool. I opted for a tropical landscape, so I have a couple of different types of palm trees, one lime tree, lots of red Hibiscus, flowering white & yellow Iris, and Yucca. But we had quite a nasty frost, so some of my stuff either died or has had to be pruned mightily. I have never done anything like this, but after reading up on it online, I actually spent a couple of hours this afternoon weeding, pruning and generally beautifying my backyard.

    Your Hibiscus look just like mine; the red flowers are spectacular.



  • Crumpet

    They really are Confession! Come and post some pics of your garden - its sounds lovely!

  • needproof

    Stunning! Crumpet, do you have something called 'Macro Mode' on your camera? Most digital camera's have it, or rather, some have it, but what it does is brings the subject forward for utmost detail and blurs the rest of the picture. Very nice shots though.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    That is beautiful Crumpet. I love flowers

  • fullofdoubtnow

    double post

  • DJK

    Very nice Crumpet. My indoor plants are non-flowering and I have quite a while before my backyard begins to bloom.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Delightful flowers!

    I was rather surprised a few years ago when I planted OKRA for my vegetable garden.

    Guess what the flowers looks like?

    Yes, hibiscus.

    Try it.

  • greendawn

    Great flower this hibiscus, your experience reminds us that one doesn't need to have a garden (though you may do Crumpet I don't know) to grow plants and flowers, usually there are spaces indoors to do this using plant pots.

  • Crumpet

    Is Okra a food? Excuse my ignorance!

    I'm watching my hisbiscus close up gradually for the night now. It had a slight scent earlier too but that seems to be gone. I don;t think I ever consider a flower, a plant at such length before. I feel proud as if I achieved it myself! Oh dear I am going mad aren't I?!!


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