If so what island? Or are you originally from the c'bean but living and posting elsewhere? Would be great to make your acquaintance!
Anyone here posting from the Caribbean?
by uuus2b1 22 Replies latest jw friends
I'm posting and am WISHING I was in the Caribbean. Does that count? Cuba or the Dominican would be great.
Alas, it's still snowing.
..I Wish!!!..LOL!!.....I have been to Jamacia mon.Der we eat up de goat curry and wash et down wit de Red Stipe beer..And..De Rum mon,lots of rum!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Hi uuus,
I think a lot of us would like to be posting from the Caribbean, although it's a lovely afternoon here in the UK. I know my husband would love to be there at the moment, as he's a cricket fan (watching the match right now)
Posting this am from 37 degree weather..........would love to be on a beach in the Caribbean drinking from glasses filled with something fruitie rummy frozen with little umbrellas on teenie sticks in them.
sorry if I made anyone jealous...just wanted to know if anyone nearby has experienced the same enlightenment as I have!
It is 38 degrees here in South Arkansas, a degree warmer than that faraway place you are posting from, Purps. A week ago we were in Costa Maya on the Carib's west coast, sitting poolside at this pub by the beach. That drink you'll see the woman carrying, had no umbrella but is nearly as long as one.
Wanton and depraved I say. Where's that judicial comittee when you need one?
That drink you'll see the woman carrying, had no umbrella but is nearly as long as one.
Thats what I am talking about!
Actually I went outside and although it is chilly it is alot nicer today than yesterday (no wind) I wanted to see if there were any kiddos out playing Easter Egg hunt!!!
Purps..You still got cold?..The weather turned here last week..It`s back to desert..I`m going to tan today..And..Drink a fruity drink with no umbrella..We`re a rugged bunch here in the Great White North..We don`t put umbrella`s in our drinks..We use an old running shoe!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
LOL OUTLAW...........rugged yeah!!!
tan? TAN?!?!
do you get tan lines when you tan?
just wondering......being out in the wilderness and all