In the US it is possible to purchase lists of phone numbers based on addresses from the phone company. These lists were used to make up telephone territories.
by SirNose586 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In the US it is possible to purchase lists of phone numbers based on addresses from the phone company. These lists were used to make up telephone territories.
How could they know the number? Remember...JeeeGoober knows everything.
I'm sure it IS for legal reasons...nothing else seems to prompt beneficial changes from these guys.....
It would be great if people knew that saying "Do Not Call" means that they won't see JWs again. Personally though I see the phone as almost as bad, though it does give another layer of persoanl privacy for JWs to get through. People can make their numbers unlisted. Soon the government may need to do for JWs what was done for telemarketers!
I think it would be excellent if the general public could be advised of this possibility en masse.
I was thinking we should keep bumping this topic to the topic so it stays fresh, so that people who look at JWD, anyway, will be actively informed (not just those looking this weekend).
Of course it won't stop the "idiots" that independently decide to stop by anyway, or don't pay attention to the DNC slip in the territory, or the slip gets lost, or the "publisher" misunderstands which house to skip.
Of course it won't stop the "idiots" that independently decide to stop by anyway, or don't pay attention to the DNC slip in the territory, or the slip gets lost, or the "publisher" misunderstands which house to skip.
It also won't stop the predictable "We just wanted to see if you still felt the same way" calls. It's my understanding that the elders are required to call on DNC's every so often just to judge if they still have a closed mind so to speak
the congregation was informed that from now on, "DNCs are supposed to be checked on by telephone, not at the door by publishers. Do not call to update the records. A group of brothers will be assigned to check on these by telephone."
not at the door by publishers
Oy! Does this mean there were pubs going to the door to check on DNC's in the past when it was only supposed to be the elders? tsk tsk. I know in my cong we would never have done that. It was written right on our territory cards not to call on DNC's if i remember correctly.
Geeze with so many "obedient" followers it sure is hard to enforce policy eh?
I wonder how they get that "do not call" means "except it's OK to go ahead and call on the phone just to make sure you really meant do not call." Idiots. Do not call means do not call.