after being a long time fader and lurking here for a few years I finally had the courage to speak to my wife the other day she was complaining about how we never get invited back to other JW's houses despite being fairly hospitable ourselves and how she's made some new worldly friends that werre non-judgemental and just nice people. She also mentioned her Mum (also JW but weak - split up from her JW husband) was struggling with the routine and had lots of nice friends out of the KH. Well I picked my moment and decided to go for it... After agreeing that there were nice people out there (I know plenty of them) I said I felt that if you claim to be God's sole channel you have a heavy responsibility to get it right and that I had more than one doctrinal issue. So the floodgates opened - we discussed: 1914 - beliefs prior to that being totally different to those today 1919 - Rutherford not looking out for Jesus as he had arrived in 1874, then not publishing the chosen status until 1943? blood - where is the fraction policy in the Bible? Mediator - why are the Great Crowd not having Jesus as Mediator? Galations 1:1-9 - why are they preaching a new gospel? All the above plus the fact going to meetings is a drag So its been sinking in for a few days and now she is talking about never going back...WOW This is happening faster than I planned.....
Had The Big Chat with my wife...
by besty 25 Replies latest jw friends
Congrats Besty! As Moshe said it's best if you can leave together. My employer's wife had questions and doubts for years that were never taken seriously by her elder husband. Finally she said, "Unless I get answers to these questions I'm not going back". He started researching and in no time he said, "we're outta here!". They left together and are the happiest people I know. In fact he is now pastor of a local community church.
Good job, your timing was excellent. Maybe that is the key with a lot of spouses-timing!
As I read your blurb, I was relating to your wife. My husband left the org about 4 years ago. I was a strong willed witness and dragged my kids to the mtgs by myself and never wanted to hear what he had to say – at first. Then we moved and about a year after we moved I started to think for myself and listen to what he had to say. I didn’t really express to him what I was thinking, but after a few chats, I just decided that I’d had enough with the witnesses. Maybe your wife was secretly harboring thoughts on her own about leaving, but you gave her the right push at the right time. I know for me, I got rid of all my witness stuff and became a new person overnight. It was very enlightening. It’s been 3 months of no mtgs or service and I have never felt better. My husband and I are closer and happier than ever as well. Hopefully the same will be the outcome for y’all too. Way to go!!!