Its about the giving. . .

by JWdaughter 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quentin

    Hope you boiled that egg Richie before you tatooed that phallic symbol on it...

    Nothing wrong with celebrating holidays...unless you prefere going through life with a bag over your head...some people do enjoy being cattle...

  • fullofdoubtnow
    No matter what your religion is, you should take origins into consideration. So jws dont celebrate holidays? Big deal. there is nothing great about how most holidays began, and there is no scriptual backing so what is the big deal

    Why should we? Why not just enjoy the event?

    Since leaving the watchtower, I've really enjoyed celebrating hoildays like Christmas especially, and Easter to a lesser degree. I couldn't care less where these holidays originate from, or whether there is any scriptural backing for them. I'll leave killjoys like the jws to worry about stuff like that.

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