As my grandpa was known to say: The biggest room in the house is the room for improvement.
by InquiryMan 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
I remeber there was a lot of spanking of children in my cong in those days. We could all hear the crying and screaming from the "rest" area. Poor kids was bored out of their skulls as was the adults by the hopeless tripe that was "served" at these meetings.
Year in and year out with the same mind numbing hogwash and hopeless twaddle, Regurgitated self deafeting constradictory tosh.
It is a miracle one stayed sane.On a different note I remember with great joy is some years later when the Watchtower magazine was about to finally kill the 1914 generation. We got hold of what was coming thanks to our contacts in the US and got the news of the changed doctrine in the largest Norwegian braodsheet Aftenposten. That had Brooklyn and the Norwegian Branch office really frustrated. Here was a "change" they were planning to smuggle in under the radar of the rank and file idiots, but that was impossible when the Aftemposten just explained what a momentous flip flop it really was. I know for a fact that Rolf Furuli was fuming at the editors office the next day and he arranged for i campaign of unsubscription of the Aftenposten among Witnesses in Oslo. That was really funny.
interesting do read Norm. I always wondered how the newspapers managed to get hold of that piece of information before it was even given by the organization to the "brothers". I also remember there was some news on alternative civilian service in the media. Were you sort of involved there?
Fortunately, there are many, many Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world who do not use spanking as a means of discipline. After all, self-control starts with the parents, and there is no law that can stand against it or the other fruitage of the spirit (Galataians 5:22-24). We can note the passions/desires of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21 that no longer are at work when the spirit is at play includes enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, and things like these. Thankfully, faith, hope, and love reign among true Christian Witnesses of Jehovah.
I guess that`s what I should have told my father, when he bent me over the hood of our Ford Granada outside the KH after the meeting, and spanked me hard while the entire congregation was walking by. I hadn`t been able to sit still at the meeting. Hey pappa, "love reigns among true Christian Witnesses of Jehovah". Fred, you`re full of shit.
To Norm [Heisan!]:
Are you able to post the "entire complaint they filed to the NRK" here on this forum (and the other referenced documents, as well)? I'd be curious to see the specifics of the Branch Office's arguments.
Fortunately, there are many, many Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world who do not use spanking as a means of discipline.
Thereby breaking God's law.
It's only when pressured by the outside "world" the JW's change. Then they lie and make believe it's always been that way.
When I was in the borg, one elder was very proud of the fact that he took his 6 weeks old baby in the back for a spanking.
As my grandpa was known to say: The biggest room in the house is the room for improvement.
This is a great example of what is wrong with Christianity. You are taught that you are in no way "OK", you can never be "OK", and the only things you can do that are "OK" are the things dictated by the leaders.
There were 4 or 5 regular child beaters in my old hall growing up. One of these dim-witted morons ended up having 7 kids, most of whom were beaten at pretty much every meeting. The oldest son used to have bruises. The BOE "counselled" the father once I think, but of course, never reported him to police. The kid ended up in prison for a few years after growing into a psychopath, understandably so.
Beating children was certainly part of the "Kingdom Hall" culture in the late 70s, and 80s. I dont know how much it has changed as I have not been to a hall in 10 years. However, given the overall economic and educational levels of the vast majority of dubs, combined with a GB sanctioned "Jehovah loves a good beating" philosophy, I would not be surprised if JWs in general had much higher levels of child abuse then other sects. I have never witnessed children being beaten at ANY other religious service, outside a kingdumb hall.
It is many pages and in Norwegian. If you would like to have copies just send a message to my account here and we can arrange for you have the material. If you want to call me the numer is: 22 29 03 56 Norm
Yes I was involved. But it's quite a long story. You can call me at 22 29 03 56 i you wnat to hear it. Norm