Jehovah's Witness Cannibal eats man's thumb
by MinisterAmos 18 Replies latest jw experiences
Maybe he was looking for an organ transplant.
Did he finish his meal with fava beans and a nice chianti?
all he ate was the thumb? man, what a let down.
hannibal would have been disapointed with this guy. in his one and only attack, he goes for some guy's thumb, while only merely "gnawing" at other body parts. sounds like a complete muck-up from sociopathic/psychopathic standards. i mean, if you are going to do something that will end you up in a straitjacket & padded room for the rest of your life, then do it right and have a feast man, lol.
all he ate was the thumb? man, what a let down.
hannibal would have been disapointed with this guy. in his one and only attack, he goes for some guy's thumb, while only merely "gnawing" at other body parts. sounds like a complete muck-up from sociopathic/psychopathic standards. i mean, if you are going to do something that will end you up in a straitjacket & padded room for the rest of your life, then do it right and have a feast man, lol.
Well you see, if he'd eaten more of the man's face, arms, and chest, he would've been JC'd for committing this act "with greediness." By only gnawing at them, he showed considerable restraint, as a True Christian TM would. And perhaps God didn't let him eat everything he wanted. After all, he was on a mission from Jehoobie!
he would've been JC'd for committing this act "with greediness
lol at sirnostril
he would've been JC'd for committing this act "with greediness
lol at sirnostril
In all fairness, a person with schizophrenia can be a member of any religion. Approximately 2% of the general population suffers from this devastating illness. Left untreated the victim usually harms him or herself but sadly sometimes others are injured, most often close family members or their caretaker.
In the past people with untreatable schizophrenia were placed into state hospitals but in the 1970's Ronreagan closed them all down so now they are mostly left to fend for themselves and part of the problem is med compliance. I don't know how it is in the UK but in America most of the homeless people are schizophrenics who have no one to watch out for them.
In the above link the young man who murdered his mother/caregiver had not been treated because his religion thought it could be controlled through the power of prayer or some such other bull$. It used to be that the dubs didn't believe in psychiatrists either but I don't know for sure how it is now. (anybody have any of the latest on that?)
I'm sure if the fellow who ate that poor guy's thumb is really and truly a JW and not just claiming to be --he will have everyone in his local cong saying that he was demon possessed but he may not be one at all. My son who is NOT a JW but who has been around them all his life is a schizophrenic and every so often he gets all crazy-religious and goes out on the street preaching and claiming to be a JW, and scaring people,much to my Mom's and the local elders horror. (I always find it somewhat amusing and tease my Mom by telling her that her grandson is going to start attending meetings--I would even go to a couple just to see the looks on some of their faces when the poor kid starts his carrying-on)
I would venture to say that depression and suicide are the more common mental disorders suffered by dubs.
I would venture to say that depression and suicide are the more common mental disorders suffered by dubs.
Perhaps, but schizophrenia is overrepresented in dubs. I have an uncle who is paranoid schizophrenic, and I believe my sister is schizotypal (when I was told what was wrong with her, 4 years ago). Both dubs. My mom and dad both suffer from depression. My dad is also bipolar.
Sooooooo...yeah. Dubs are crazy as hell.