Dr. Phil is on...child molesting

by horrible life 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    this guy says he didn't know that mutual masterbation with his grandchild was wrong. Wife is sitting there holding his hand. He lost his faith lately, and the devil took over. All that is lacking, is him saying he is a JW.

  • jillbedford

    I am a Dr Phil fan but I have not seen this show. Good thing! Since it would have made my blood boil!

    His wife held his hand while he masterbated a child? What kind of creeps is this couple? They both need jail time forever!

  • Anony-Mouse

    I think it means she was holding his hand while he was on the show?

    But she should use that hand to slap him instead. Multiple times....and with lead gloves on.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    no, no, no,

    On the show, the molester (grandfather) and his wife are holding hands. The son and daughter-in-law, are watching and listening. They are bringing the son and daughter-in-law in. Thats where the show ends. My station said continued on Monday. Don't know if my station is a day off, and if part 2 may be tomorrow, or they really mean next Monday.

    Today was a rare day off of work for me. I could tune in at the office, but we have specialize in children in our office. Probably can't watch.

    By him saying that his faith faltered, and the Devil made him do it, sounds kinda like a witness. They said he spent 8 months in jail.

    Would you take your husband back??? Not me!!! He said he could be trusted alone with his granddaughter again. I wouldn't trust him in the same state!!!

  • Scully

    It made me sick how he claimed that he was a "victim" in this situation too. He never came to a point of accepting responsibility for his behaviour. He never came to a point of admitting that HE made a horrible choice.

    Initially when he tried to explain that it was the granddaughter running her fingers through his hair that got him aroused, I knew it was going to end badly. It was like he was trying to convince Dr Phil that what happened was the victim's fault.

    The grandmother was just as bad with her trying to trivialize what happened, saying things like "he went away" instead of "he went to jail".

    I'm glad that Dr Phil gave both the grandparents a lambasting and told them that they could not be trusted around the granddaughter.

  • Hortensia

    it's one reason why pedophiles get away with it - people around them conspire to hide the problem or minimize or deny it or blame the victim. The parents should get a restraining order, permanently, to prevent the grandparents having access to the child.

  • anewme

    Until I am convinced otherwise, to me intentionally hurting or molesting a child is a sin that cannot be forgiven.

    It goes beyond breaking societal law or religious law or spiritual law to breaking UNIVERSAL LAW.

    It is a GREAT SIN in the UNIVERSE to damage a precious human child!

  • Crumpet

    Were the grandparents of a sub-level intelligence perhaps?

  • Gregor

    Didn't see it. Is he a JW?

  • Warlock
    this guy says he didn't know that mutual masterbation with his grandchild was wrong.

    HE DIDN'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????



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